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    Backwards! – (Chapter: Breaking Down)

    Look at the little bitch…laughing with her…hugging her…loving her…It doesn’t make any sense Spencer should be mine but she choose that cheerleader instead…I…I love Spencer Carlin and she…she should be mine… Mishell watched the two touch from across the quad. Envy piercing her gaze. She turned her head to see the blonde who was at Spencer’s house the night they had slept together stride toward the two. She watched the brunette quickly back off and practically run to the other side of the quad. So there is a weakness… The red head smiled warily as she turned away scheming in her head all the while.

    “Hey Rowan,” the blonde girl had quickly shooed Ashley away when she saw her best friend walking to meet her. She stood up quickly and hugged the handsome boy, “What’s up? I haven’t talked to you in forever!”

    “Yea well you’ve been busy with whatever and I’ve been busy with basketball and…” he trailed off.

    Spencer smiled, “and Madison.” Rowan quickly looked up and smiled broadly. He looked happier than Spencer had ever seen him.

    “I really really like her!”

    Spencer laughed, “I can tell!”

    “Really is it that obvious?”

    “Rowan babe you practically had a seizure when I mentioned her name.” Rowan blushed and Spencer lifted his chin to look into his eyes, “It is nothing to be ashamed about,” she said sincerely before adding a teasing grin on her face, “because she’s HOT!” Rowan playfully hit her arm away.

    “Hey don’t go stealing my crush!”

    “I won’t, I won’t but you know I’m hot enough,” she teased.

    “Oh I am well aware!”

    “Well speak of the devil…” Spencer slowed. Madison came walking up behind Rowan placing a finger to her lips to tell Spencer to be quiet.

    “What do you…?” Rowan jumped in surprise when two tanned arms wrapped around his waist and two hazel eyes looked up at him, “Madison!” Spencer laughed at the goofy grin on his face when he saw her. The Latino girl smiled and looked at Spencer.

    “Can I steal him for a second?”

    “Of course!” Spencer agreed easily. She wanted to go back to talk to Ashley, “he’s all yours!”

    “Why thank you…” she turned to Rowan, “come on Mr. Stud we have got to talk.” Rowan grinned happily over his shoulder back at Spencer before being pulled away. Spencer sighed and turned around to walk back to Ashley. Before she could begin to walk however a pair of green eyes met with hers.

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    1. OMG i hate that bitch. why that teacher gotta do that? now she got no way in hell of getting with spencer. she is so stupid. she fucked everything up for everyone in a desperate attempt to get what she wanted and she just managed to push Spencer farther from her. stupid people. PMS

    2. OMG i hate that bitch. why that teacher gotta do that? now she got no way in hell of getting with spencer. she is so stupid. she fucked everything up for everyone in a desperate attempt to get what she wanted and she just managed to push Spencer farther from her. stupid people. PMS

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