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    Backwards! – (Chapter: Breaking Down Walls)

    Spencer looked at the doorway to her now homey hospital room. She wished with all her might that a certain stunning brunette would walk through that archway. After awhile of staring Spencer sighed and turned to look out the window. She was being released today. She should be happy…right? She sighed again. Wow I seem to be doing that a lot lately. Spencer was disappointed she hadn’t seen Ashley in a couple of days and she thought maybe she would have come today. The day when Spencer would once again be released into the world that hated her. A knock sounded through the room Spencer spun around violently and faster than he body could handle. She rubbed her side where her broken ribs were still healing. Damn all that effort and it’s not even Ashley it’s…Aiden…

    “Wow, you look happy to see me,” the raven-haired boy stated sarcastically. Spencer opened her mouth in protest. Aiden stopped her, “don’t worry girly I know you were hoping for someone else but unfortunately,” he waved his arms and dropped into a bow, “you’re going to have to be content with me.” Spencer laughed. Aiden put a look of surprise upon his face, “why Ms. Carlin was that a laugh?!”

    “Yes it was!” They both laughed for awhile.

    “Anyway…babe I am your royal escort out of this shitty place. Come on you need to get bubbly! This place brings me down. I can’t imagine what its like for you!” Spencer looked around. It was rather dull.

    “”Okay ‘escort’ let’s get moving!” Aiden helped Spencer out of the hospital bed and to her crutches. Spencer bit back the yells not wanting to scare Aiden. Her whole body was on fire, even with the rehab she was still a mess. Aiden noticed but pretended not to. Spencer has to be strong…she needs to get through it by herself…of course I can help a bit…They started the painful trip out to Aiden’s car.

    Spencer whistled she had never seen Aiden’s car before and she had to admit it was one sweet ride. The doors she found out when she tried to open them went upwards instead of outwards. She whistled again. Aiden laughed; he was used to this reaction.

    “It’s nice huh.”

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