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    Backwards! – (Chapter: Confessions)

    “It’s nice to meet ya,” Derek smiled. He looked at the two gorgeous girls standing in front of him. He wasn’t all gay and the little part of him that wasn’t was ridiculously turned on. The two girls were hot especially with each other. The blonde boy looked over to his right at his boyfriend Aiden .He to was ridiculously attractive. I’m so lucky I get both sides of the fence, he smiled to himself. He looked over at the blonde girl who was in a deep conversation with Aiden. He looked over at her girlfriend who was standing there staring at the two a hint of jealousy in her eyes.

    “So you go to King?” the raven haired boy asked, “I haven’t seen you around.”

    “Yea I go to King but I keep to myself. I’m not a people person…and apparently neither are you but I’m only judging by the greeting that we received.’

    Aiden laughed, “Yea sorry bout that but we get a lot a shit, you know?”

    “I know we’ve been there…well I’ve been there…Ashley still hasn’t come out…” Aiden heard the coldness in her voice when she said this even though she had tried to hide it.

    “Neither is Aiden…It’s kinda annoying.”

    “It is but I have to deal because…” she took a deep breath, “because I love her…”

    Aiden gasped, “Sweetie that’s great! Does she know?!”

    “No…I cant tell her…I don’t want to loose her…besides I wouldn’t know how to act I’ve never been in love before…”

    “Well you have to tell her sometime!”

    “I know but…”

    “Spencer! She loves you too!”

    “How do you know?”

    “I just do…trust me on this one I mean take the way she is looking at you right now…” Spencer turned around her girlfriend was standing there her hand on her hip looking jealously annoyed. Is that even possible? She turned back to Aiden.

    “Maybe we should stop tal…” she was cut off.

    “Spencer babe you wanna go get some ice cream?” Ashley had walked over and wrapped her arms around Spencer waist. She had leaned in to whisper this into Spencer’s ear because she knew it made Spencer shiver and sure enough she felt the wave go through the blonde. “Come on…lets go…” Spencer who was now in a kind of daze nodded her head in agreement. Aiden watched her go a huge smile on his face.

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