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    Backwards! – (Chapter: Heaven)

    Ashely slowly opened her eyes thinking back to last night. She brought her hand to her lips remembering how great it had felt when Spencer’s lips were pressed against hers. She smiled and rolled over to say good morning to Spencer. She found nothing. Ashley sat up fast. Was it a dream?!? Oh fuck, please tell me it wasn’t a dream! She ran her hand through her hair letting out a yell of frustration. The one time I do something for me and it’s a fucking dream! Ashely could feel the tears brimming at the edge of her eyes. She picked up a pillow and held it to her mouth screaming as loud as she could into the surface. Laying back down she decided not to go to school. It would be to painful to see Spencer…to want her and know that she could never have her. As she finally came to this conclusion and she heard laughter drift upwards from down the stairs. She got up and cautiously made her way down the stairs. Her mother was bent over double she was laughing so hard. Ashley looked to her right to see…Spencer… doing some weird hand motions. Ashely’s heart jumped into her throat at the sight of Spencer in her kitchen helping her mother make breakfast. So it wasn’t a dream… Ashely had to hold her mouth shut to stop herself from screaming she was so happy. She was pulled out of her thoughts bu the voice she loved to hear.

    "Ashely?" Spencer laughed, "Ash are you gonna just stand there all day or are you going to come down and eat the breakfast me and your mother slaved over?" This earned another set of giggles from Mrs. Davies. Ashley had to smile. She ran down the stair and upon entering the kitchen found herself wrapped in Spencer’s arms.

    "Good morning," Spencer said, "babe," she whispered the last word allowing Ashely to savor it without her mother hearing.

    "Good morning Spence!"

    "Ashley you never told me that you had such a delightful friend! You should have invited her over sooner," Mrs. Davies stated to the younger Davies.

    "I didn’t invite her," Ashely said with a smirk. Spencer hit her playfully on the arm.

    "So are you going to eat this or not?" Spencer asked waving the plate of pancakes under Ashely’s nose.

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    1. I think tis might come to bite Spencer in the butt. I like Spashley and all but I have a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. Please don’t hurt them or make them feel sad. Please? Love, and be kind playa, no need to spread the hate, start handing out the love. And Rowan . . . I feel sorry for the guy. I wonder how he is going to handle it. I hope he does it gracefully but I mean, how would you feel if your best friend hooked up with your ex-love/ex-girlfriend. :] poor guy!

    2. I think tis might come to bite Spencer in the butt. I like Spashley and all but I have a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. Please don’t hurt them or make them feel sad. Please? Love, and be kind playa, no need to spread the hate, start handing out the love. And Rowan . . . I feel sorry for the guy. I wonder how he is going to handle it. I hope he does it gracefully but I mean, how would you feel if your best friend hooked up with your ex-love/ex-girlfriend. :] poor guy!

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