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    Backwards! – (Chapter: Secrets)

    Spencer awoke with a start and found an arm draped around her middle. She vaguely remembered the night’s events. There was definitely moaning. Oh hell there was moaning and it wasn’t coming from the blonde. That night had been all for the red headed number she had picked up. Ah, the second peice of the puzzle "the mysterious arm" belonged to the green-eyed girl that she had pleasured last night. She twisted around to look at her. Instead she saw the brown hair and slim figure of Ashely Davies lying next to her. Spencer rubbed her eyes furiously. When she reopened them she found a mound of red hair spread out across the pillow. Wow Spence you have definitely gone over the edge… Spencer looked back again and saw the red head stir. Huh, I don’t even know her name and she doesn’t know mine and yet… that was probably the best sex she has had in her life…either that or she moans A LOT! Spencer crawled out of the bed and wnet downstairs to make some coffee. She had just settled down with coffee and the Saturday comics when Rowan stumbled in.

    "Fun night huh?"

    Rowan grunted and poured a cup of java for himself.

    "So what does she look like? Is she a keeper?"

    "No! She annoyed the shit out of me but she was hot and the sex was definitely a plus…"

    "Well than I think I beat you!"

    "No way! How?"

    "First of all did you hear the moans? Second of all this woman had to be like 23, 24."

    "You’re lying!"


    "Wow…guess you did beat me…this time," Rowan wiggled his eyebrows.

    Spencer chuckled and handed Rowan the sports page. When she next looked up she was staring at an amazingly hot blonde girl standing in the doorway. She whistled, "Whoo-we! You were definitely a close second my friend," she stated to Rowan and then turned back to the girl, "you are HOT if you don’t mind me saying." It wasn’t long before Spencer’s lover walked into the kitchen. This time it was Rowan;s turn to be impressed.

    "No you won this one Spence… you won this one…"

    Spencer laughed, "Hey umm…I’m sorry I never did get your name."

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    1. holy Fuck-a-rooni! Mishell is a teacher and Spencer slept with her. I smell definite possiblities for this one. Lordie lordie, do I see the possibilities. PMS please. I wan tto more know like what Ashley is thinking and what Spencer thinks of Mishell as a teacher!!!

    2. holy Fuck-a-rooni! Mishell is a teacher and Spencer slept with her. I smell definite possiblities for this one. Lordie lordie, do I see the possibilities. PMS please. I wan tto more know like what Ashley is thinking and what Spencer thinks of Mishell as a teacher!!!

    3. Holy hell…lol…you go SPENCER!! Omg, doing the naughty with your new teacher, SO SO SO VERY HOT!! Oh, you’ve so gotta PMS, very soon my love. Pretty please;)

    4. Holy hell…lol…you go SPENCER!! Omg, doing the naughty with your new teacher, SO SO SO VERY HOT!! Oh, you’ve so gotta PMS, very soon my love. Pretty please;)

    5. oh thats funny, that is too funny. She got with her teacher! Way to go Spencer! And she kissed ashley, she is having one hell of a good day….or bad depending on how you look at it! PMS please ;)

    6. oh thats funny, that is too funny. She got with her teacher! Way to go Spencer! And she kissed ashley, she is having one hell of a good day….or bad depending on how you look at it! PMS please ;)

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