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    Backwards! – (Chapter: White Flag)

    All right… one more fucking thing to fix… this one is going to have two parts… phase one GO! She took a deep breath and knocked on the office door.

    "Come in," a voice yelled to her. Spencer opened the door and walked into the office. Wow never thought I’d be in here again.. "What? Spencer!?" Mishell’s heart seemed to soar. Spencer came back to me! She got up and walked over to Spencer but stopped before reaching her. No I want her to come to me… she took a deep breath as Spencer stepped toward her. She waited expectantly to feel those full lips against her once more, "FUCK!" she ye;;ed and rubbed her hand furiously against her cheek. She could feel it heating up and a slight trickle of blood drip down where Spencer’s ring had cut her cheek when she slapped her, "what the hell?!"

    "No SHUT THE HELL UP! You ruined everything you selfish bitch! Why couldn’t you just accept the fact that I don’t want to be with you?! My life was actually beginnning to get better. Then you had to come in and fuck everything up!" Spencer glared at the red head the words coming out of her mouth were full of venom.


    "You told Rowan about me and Ashley because you couldn’t stand the fact that I don’t like you. Okay I don’t like you! I never have and I never will!"

    "You seemed to like me when you werefucking me!"

    "I was drunk and confused about my love for Ashely," she spat out the last word and enjoyed watching Mishell cringe when the name left Spencer’s mouth. Spencer grabbed Mishell’s chin and jerked her face upward removing the red heads eyes from the floor. She pulled them up so they were face to face with Spencer’s ice cold orbs, "you need to leave me and the woman I love the fuck alone or you will regret it…" Spencer turned and stormed out of the office leaving the green- eyed girl sobbing against the wall.

    That… that felt really good! Spencer thought to herself as she leaned against the bleachers watching hte guys practice basketball. She had another half-an-hour before they finished so she had brought along her iPod. She was humming along to "Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off" by Panic! at the Disco when someone tapped her shoulder startling her. She looked up to see a smiling raven-haired boy staring down at her.

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