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    Bartender (Ch.2)

                    Over the next few weeks Spencer became part of the group so naturally it was as if she’d always been there. Ashley tried to get her to talk about her boyfriend, and she would oblige for a few minutes, but she didn’t gush like most girls did. She had helped Ashley shop for her room and after the initial shock of finding out that Aiden was, in fact, straight had helped him with things to say to girls. That had been a funny…uhm, outing.

    “Ash!” Spencer said, shaking her awake gently. It was about a week into the school year and since they’d all been living together.

                    “Huh?! What?!” Ashley asked, sitting up and looking around, suddenly alert. “Is the building on fire?! Was it Aiden’s fault? God I’m going to kill him!” Ashley said, jumping up and pulling on some flip flops.

                    “Ashley! Calm down!” Spencer said, giggling as she grabbed the delirious girl’s shoulders and stopped her from running around the room. “Aiden has his boyfriend in his room and they’re making a lot of noise and I was wondering if you could…” Ashley looked at Spencer in complete confusion until it dawned on her that they’d forgotten to reveal Aiden’s real sexuality.

                    “Oh, yeah, I’ll go shut the fags up.” She said as she fought to control her laughter. They both walked out into the suite’s living area just as Aiden’s door opened and a very pretty, very rumpled looking girl walked out of Aiden’s room. Ashley stopped short and Spencer ran into her back but quickly peered around the brunette’s head to look at the girl.

                    “Oh my God were they having a threesome with a girl?!” Spencer whispered, making Ashley finally lose it completely. The unknown girl was staring at them now with confusion and a bit of embarrassment. Aiden came walking out of the room then, fixing his boxers but stopping short when he noticed Ashley and Spencer. Ashley was practically on the floor with laughter and Spencer standing there with her head cocked in confusion, “Aiden, where’s your boyfriend?!”

                    “You’re gay?!” The girl screeched, making Aiden stammer, looking around as he grappled for an explanation. The girl slapped him hard across the cheek before storming out of the suite. Ashley, by this point, had to lean on the couch for support as tears flooded down her cheeks from laughter. Spencer was still staring in confusion as Aiden just stood, not knowing what to say.

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    1. fantastic updateit’s about time there’s a fanfiction on her that you can feel good reading aboutit still reminds me of the song “the good stuff”by kenny chesneyi cant wait for an update of this story thats geting better and better

    2. just caught up this story. please note that your story is fantastic!! loving it already. But I can’t believe you stopped it there :S We’re dying to read more. pmasap!!!

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