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    Bartender (Ch.3)

    The heat seemed to have lit a fire in Ashley as she stared at Spencer, whose eyes were showing conflicting emotions between scared and wanting. The brunette leaned up a little more, their faces mere inches apart now and Spencer’s eyes flashed before she looked away, breaking the spell that the moment had held over them. Ashley flopped backward with a sigh as Spencer climbed off of her, coughing.


                    ”What. The. Fuck.” Ellie interjected, “What a tease.”


                    The girls spent a little more time at the apartment, watching a movie to try and stave off any more awkwardness. Spencer made sure to sit in an armchair instead of on the couch with Ashley, which just made Ashley feel even worse. It was late by the time Ashley felt it safe to go back to the dorm so Ashley just called a taxi to take them back. The ride was in silence and Ashley was fighting for something to say as they finally pulled up to the dorm. She quickly paid the driver before following Spencer into the lobby and climbing onto the elevator. Spencer surprised Ashley by speaking first.

                    “This was the best date I’ve had in a while.”

                    “Me too,” Ashley agreed, grinning when Spencer’s face lit up. “So I beat out the boyfriend?”

                    “Well, Clark would rather sit at home than go out.”

                    “Ew, you date a homebody?” Ashley asked, scrunching up her nose and making Spencer laugh.

                    “He’s not that bad.” She defended her cheeks a bit red.

                    “Does he know that your favorite movie is Casablanca?”

                    “Yes. I think.”

                    “Ah, you think.” Ashley laughed, stepping off the elevator. “So that means he doesn’t.” She laughed, unlocking their dorm door. “Ah, sounds like Aiden finally got Marie in bed.” Spencer rolled her eyes as their ears were assaulted with the noises coming from Aiden’s bedroom. “There’s no point in leaving, knowing Aiden they’ll be done soon.” Spencer giggled and shrugged, following Ashley to her room. They sat down on the small bed and were immersed in silence again, though this time it was comfortable.

                    “You know what’s weird?” Spencer finally broke the silence after a few minutes. Ashley made a noise of acknowledgement to show she was listening as she typed away on her laptop. “I’ve never heard you sing. I hear you playing your guitar at night sometimes, but nothing real.” Ashley looked up with a thoughtful expression.

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    1. you know, this really is a fantastic story. You do a great job building things up. It makes me crave the next chapter lol. Also I think I have a preference for stories where Ashley is the pursuer. One, because she’s super hot and two, because shes just really smooth, and three, because she’s just REALLY hot. (and yes I know I said the hot thing twice ha)Anyways, keep it up! Definitly loving this story. :) PMS

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