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    Bartender (Ch.5)

                    Spencer didn’t come back to the dorm until late, almost two AM. Ashley heard her come in and waited with apprehension for the blonde to come to her room but she never did. Instead she could hear the quiet murmur of Aiden’s voice in a questioning tone, a short reply from Spencer, and then the closing of the girl’s bedroom door. She waited a few minutes before sticking her head out into the living room, where Aiden was actually studying.

                    “Is she okay?”

                    “Didn’t look like it.” Ashley made a move to go to Spencer’s door but Aiden shook his head. “Just give her a bit Ash. Talk to her in the morning or something.” Ashley nodded in understanding before retreating back to her own room. She sat Indian style on the bed with her guitar, just idly strumming as she sat. She wasn’t quite sure what Spencer was thinking but it couldn’t be good. She knew that she wasn’t going to get any sleep that night so instead she pulled out her laptop and got to work on a poem for her creative writing class that wasn’t due for a week.


                    When Ashley woke up the next afternoon she groaned and rolled over onto her stomach, burying her face in the crook of her elbow. She did not want to be awake. She had no idea what woke her up until she sat up on her arms and glanced over. She jumped nearly a foot in the air when she found Spencer sitting in her arm chair, staring at her.

                    “Jesus Christ Spencer,” Ashley said her heart racing as she sat up on her knees before turning and climbing out of bed. “Don’t do that.”

                    “Sorry,” Spencer said simply. Suddenly the night before came rushing back to Ashley and she groaned, putting her head in her hands.

                    “Spencer –“

                    “Can I go first?” Spencer cut in, making Ashley nod in surprise. “I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at myself and at my mom. I should’ve prepared you. I know that she can be a bit overwhelming. You certainly uh… put her in her place.” Spencer cracked a smile and Ashley couldn’t help but smile too. “She didn’t talk for the rest of the night though, it was weird. I’ve never seen her in shock before.” Ashley chuckled and stood up, stretching her arms above her head. She watched as Spencer’s eyes darted down and took in the few inches of stomach that were showing. The blonde seemed suddenly nervous and started fiddling with her hands. “You were right, about pretty much everything and I think she may have realized that.”

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    1. I throw my hands in the air and scream at you!!!! Not really but that was soooo not fair! We get another chapter just for it to end like this??? Sooo not fair, but keep em’ comin’! Great story!

    2. fail. that was not what i wanted to happen. just…. fuck. let’s have this resolved next chap, alright? sounds good. pms. please. and thank you. okay, bye now.

    3. okay so everyone is mad at you sooo i guess i’ll join in…WTF!!! lol jkjk ugh damnit spence! iloved this update tho lol the story overall, pms :)

    4. oh come on! you ARE mean! fuckin A man… i cannot believe you just up and ended this chapter there. i’m mad at you! even though it was absolutely fantastic and that was one of those like once in a million kisses.. yea so get to posting!!!

    5. AHHH! COME ON SPENCER!!! oy vey. OBVIOUSLY if a kiss is perfect, you should NOT be with Clark. That’s like the ultimate deciding factor! She’s being so dumb! PMS!!!! NOOOW!

    6. So it seems the general consensus is that everyone is mad at you. I’m mad at Spencer. What else would you expect that kiss to be other than perfect? Don’t run away from something you want, and something that’s so perfect. But on the cereal tip, very cruel to end it there. I can’t for the next update.

    7. poor ash but at least it wasn’t a complete shut down since ashley knows she’s lying and in denial. at least spencer wasn’t mad at ashley for the blow up.

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