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    Bartender (Ch.6)

                    The days flew by and Ashley was avoiding Spencer just as much as Spencer was avoiding Ashley. Aiden was growing exasperated with the two and refused to take sides, even did his best to force them back together at times but Ashley knew him too well and refused to show up at these surprises. It had been two weeks since the kiss and still Ashley hadn’t seen Spencer except for the occasions when they would accidently bump into each other in the dorm. Spencer seemed to be taking Ashley’s avoidance hard. Her eyes were rimmed with red constantly, and hard dark circles under her eyes. She never said what happened to Paula and Clark and Ashley just assumed that they went home. Every time that they would bump into each other she looked as if she wanted to say something but she never did and neither did Ashley.

                    “This is so stupid,” Aiden complained as he followed Ashley through a grocery store. She picked up a box of crackers and threw them in the basket before moving on again.

                    “What is?” She asked, stopping to compare two different bags of chips.

                    “This thing between you and Spencer,”

                    “I agree, she’s being very stupid.” He glared at her as she decided on Doritos.

                    “That’s not what I said. And you’re both being stupid.” She rolled her eyes but didn’t say anything as they moved to the next aisle.

                    “Listen Aiden, first she kisses me, and then she tells me that she can’t be with me? How am I being stupid?”

                    “Because you won’t even talk to her! You cannot be oblivious enough to think that she doesn’t miss you.”

                    “She doesn’t show it very well,” She grumbled.

                    “What do you want her to do? You’re not blind. Just look at her. I can – I hear her crying at night. She tries to hide it. But I’m not deaf, and I happen to know that you’re not either.” She looked away from his penetrating stare. Of course she had heard the crying, she had cried too.

                    “I didn’t do this.” Aiden sighed and shook his head as Ashley started to move away again. He reached out and grabbed her by the shoulder, turning her around.

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    1. That did not resolve shit! I thought we agreed upon getting Ashley and Spencer to work it out! While I feel bad for what leela will have to go through next chapter, it must be done… Okay so I’ll come read the post tomorrow and leela will be gone, yeah? Awesome. I’ll be looking forward to it!

    2. ok you’re killing me here. is that your intention? cuz it’s working! so anyway, this makes things a lot more complicated now doesn’t it? I feel bad for ash.. know that situation all too well. excellent freaking update… I hope you’re hard at work on the next one.. because I can’t wait

    3. seriously Spencer? just friends? I like that Ash tried to move on. Hope Spence would realize that she could lose Ashley anytime and she shouldn’t hold back her feelings anymore. Great update! pms!

    4. Ugh. I can understand Ashley’s reasoning for how she’s acting. You can only wait for someone for so long before you need to move on but hopefully Spencer will come to her senses and soon. Both of them need to get over themselves and just be with each other. This story is amazing and I can’t wait to read more.

    5. where has this story been all my life?! I can’t believe I haven’t been reading this from the beginning, but I’m all caught up now and looovvvving it! this is my favourite kind of story. pms!!! :)

    6. “I just want my best friend back” . . . Didn’t work out when I went through it, but Spencer and Ashley have to make it don’t they?? Anyways, great chapter. Waiting for the next one . . . impatiently. LOL! pms please

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