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    Bartender (Ch.7)

    A month flew by, it was November and getting close to Thanksgiving break. Ashley and Spencer hadn’t made up yet and every day seemed to make it harder. Aiden had given up on them and instead had been encouraging the Leela thing. Leela had become Ashley’s girlfriend and was almost always with Ashley. The brunette didn’t mind though, she helped to distract her thoughts from Spencer.

    “So what do you want to do today?” Leela asked as the two of them laid in bed.

    “Nothing,” Ashley answered, curling into Leela and making her chuckle. She had taken to spending every night with Ashley so it wasn’t odd to find them lying together as it seemed to be all they did.

    “That’s fine with me,” Leela laughed, wrapping her arms around Ashley and kissing the top of her head. “So, can I ask you something?” Ashley made a noise to show that she was listening as she burrowed her head into the crook between Leela’s neck and shoulder. “Were you and Spencer like a thing once?” Ashley stiffened and instantly pulled back.

    “No. Why?” Leela looked confused as she surveyed Ashley’s stiff behavior.

    “I was just wondering. She must like you then, because she certainly doesn’t like us together.”

    “I doubt that she likes me babe, you’re probably just being paranoid. Besides, it doesn’t matter if she likes you or not. I like you.” Leela smiled and leaned up to kiss her before pulling her down on top of her.


    “So I’m going to assume that you’re staying here for break?” Aiden asked her later as they watched a movie. Spencer was in class for the whole day.

    “No, I’m going home to spend with my absent mother and father,” Ashley answered sarcastically. Aiden laughed and pushed her playfully.

    “Well I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to take that scary flight alone.” He laughed, making her roll her eyes. “Is Leela staying with you?”

    “Nah, her family is doing some party thing back in Boston.”

    “So… just you and Spencer, huh?” Ashley looked up in alarm. “You didn’t know she was staying?”

    “No! Her family is like super family oriented!”

    “Yeah well they’re going to visit her brother Clay in San Francisco so she decided to stay.” He shrugged, making Ashley cuss in frustration. “Oh come on, it won’t be that bad. It’s not like you ever see her anyways.”

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    1. great post, way to resolve the situations with the significant others… now all that you have to do is get spencer to admit that she’s in love with ashley too. can’t wait for the next post, i’m with ellie, the good part is definitely coming! pms please! =]

    2. yay! ok i’m not mad at you anymore. for now. who knows what you’re going to throw at us lol. excellent update and I can’t wait to see how the rest of break goes. I think you should post… right now!

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