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    Bartender (Ch.9)

    The kiss just escalated and time went from incredibly slow to incredibly fast for Ashley. Before she could think about it the two of them had gotten to the bed, Ashley’s legs holding them up against it as they kissed wildly. Ashley reached up and pushed at Spencer’s already open shirt before yanking it down and off her arms. The blonde helped with this process before reaching for Ashley’s shirt and yanking it up and off and pushing the brunette down onto the bed. She followed quickly, both moaning as their stomachs rubbed together. Spencer had since attached her lips to Ashley’s neck, causing Ashley’s thought process to go blank as her hands roamed what she could reach of Spencer’s back. She got suddenly insecure and pulled back from Spencer’s lips before she sat up, Spencer now straddling her lap.

     “Are you sure –“

    “Yes.” Spencer cut her off, leaning down and catching Ashley’s lips in another fierce kiss. They suddenly tumbled backward again, losing their balance in the moment and both giggled into the kiss. Ashley carefully flipped them over and sat up, examining Spencer who was busy trying to catch her breath.

    “Spencer, is this… is this your first…?” Ashley didn’t know how to ask but Spencer seemed to understand and she suddenly blushed but nodded. The brunette smiled and reached out, caressing Spencer’s cheek before she leaned down and kissed her, slower this time. “Then we need to stop here. This needs to be special for you.” Spencer gaped and sat up on her elbows.

    “But –“

    “Nope, I won’t let it happen this way.” Ashley said, putting her finger over the blonde’s lips. Spencer pouted for a second before she smiled and lifted one of her arms to run her fingers through Ashley’s hair and pulled her down gently, connecting their lips again.

    “Okay babe,” Spencer said, after pulling away from the kiss with a smile. “But only if you promise to keep kissing me.”

    “That I can do,” Ashley grinned, making Spencer laugh.


    “Damn you and your good morals.” Ellie grouched, shaking her head.


    Ashley woke up with a still shirtless Spencer wrapped around her. Her head was resting in the crook of Ashley’s neck and she was lying mostly on top of the brunette, with one hand resting on Ashley’s ribcage, her fingers moving idly and driving Ashley wild. She decided not to move in case she disturbed Spencer, instead just slightly tightening her hold on the girl. She was surprised when Spencer suddenly looked up, her blue eyes heavy with tiredness.

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