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    Because Mom…(Chapter Twenty One)

                    My cell phone ringing woke me up and I groaned as I rolled over, extracting myself from Ashley’s embrace as I flipped it open, bringing it to my ear.


                    “Spencer?” I straightened up when I heard my mom’s voice.

                    “Yeah,” I grinned as Ashley cracked her eyes and frowned at the distance that was now between us. She scooted over so that she could throw her arm around me and bury her head in the nook of my shoulder. “Yeah Mom I’m here.” I said, making Ashley groan. I grinned as I took in the now exposed skin of her back.

                    “I was hoping that you wouldn’t mind if I spent the day with Tim, I’m sure that you two can find something to do.” I groaned and Ashley raised her head in question.

                    “But I thought we were going to go check out some museums?” I whined, and Ashley gave me a sharp glare. Normally I would be internally cheering; having a whole day with just Ashley and I but I didn’t like the idea of my mother being with that jerk doctor all day.

                    “Spencer we can look at them tomorrow,” She said, trying to placate me. I groaned but agreed, frowning. “Good, you two have fun today, okay? I’ll call you later.” I flipped the phone closed and tossed it towards the end of the bed as Ashley moved fully on top of me, supporting her weight with her arms on either side of my head.

                    “Full day without Momma Carlin?” She questioned, waggling her eyebrows suggestively. I frowned and nodded, rolling my eyes. “Why is my girlfriend not happy?”

                    “I am,” I said, unconvincingly. She rolled her eyes and I tried to put on a smile.

                    “Mhmm, tell me what’s up.” She demanded, rolling her hips down so that her naked skin slid against mine.

                    “I just don’t understand why she can find a whole day to spend with that doctor guy but she can’t even take a day off once and a while to spend with me.”

                    “She took a whole week off to spend with you,” Ashley pointed out to me, sliding one of her hands down to play over my naked stomach.

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    1. that was good…ash is such a good girlfriend making spencer forget about her mom spending time with that doc and getting her cleaned up…well after making her dirty but its the thought that counts right haha pms

    2. I will never look at ice cream the same way ever again. holy wow. I’m drooling just in case you wanted to know. anyway great update, will we get shower spashley next? heheheh oh and I do have to mention that spence has every reason to be disappointed with momma carlin. I’d be pissed. great update, PMS!

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