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    Been A While – (Chapter: One)



    Chapter One


    She was the first person I made love to. Well, technically, that’s not really true, because I’ve slept with many girls before her. Yet, I still consider her my real first. See, I never really gave a crap about those other girls, never felt anything real for them. They were just quick fucks, putting it in simple terms. I was her first, too. I tried to make everything special for her and I took the lead, because even though, I’d never made love with anyone before, I’d still had sex, and she hadn’t. She was so lost, so nervous and fearful, like she was too afraid to mess up. I didn’t care if she didn’t know what she was doing, hell, everybody has a first time.

    Her hair was long, blonde. Her eyes were blue, as blue as the sea or something. You could get lost in those eyes. They just expressed so much emotion, so it is hard to really describe them to you. They were just a pair of eyes to fall in love with. You know how it is, there are just some people that you look at and you immediatly take note of their wonderful eyes.







    "Ash," she moaned slighty. Her whole body was shaking. This was not how it was with my previous girlfriends. They were all so confident and experienced. I had never slept with a virgin before. I almost didn’t know how to treat it. I take one look in her blue eyes and I see fear. Fear of doing something wrong. Fear that I will hurt her. Just fear.

    "Spence, it’s okay," I reassure the beautiful girl beneath me.

    "You don’t understand," she shakes her head furiously.

    "Babe, I do," I get out in between kisses to the neck. Her skin was so soft, so smooth. I could spent all day kissing her neck. And I loved the little moans and whimpers that were leaving her mouth. I knew she wanted it, she was just a nervous wreck. I kept sucking on her pulse point and eventually her moans increased. "I know, but I’m not gonna hurt you, Spencer. I love you so much, I just want to show you how much."

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    1. great start! i’m really curious about the whole spencer being so different later on in life situation, i’m excited to see what happens… i’m already wanting to read more, so please PMS!

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