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    Been A While – (Chapter: Two)



    Chapter Two


    The years were long and lonely for me. Like I stated earlier, I never really dated. See, every girl reminded me of Spencer. Well, not really reminded me, but it’s just whenever I was with some girl, I kept thinking about Spencer. Her face kept poping up in my head. It’s not like I ever forgot about her, I didnt. Some nights I would just lie in bed and cry, even though it had been years since I’ve seen or talk edto her. But you know how it is when it comes to things like this, a few years seems more like a few weeks.

    I read our emails once in a while, as I had saved them, along with a bunch of photos of her and I. When I was in high school, I detested Valentines day, and pretty much every other day that I had to see couples hanging all over each other. But, it wasnt a relationship that I wanted, no, I wanted justt Spencer.

    If I wanted a relationship, I could have one. Hell, girls were throwing themselves at me wherever I went. But my mind and my heart werent in the right place. And let me tell you, if I knew how to get over this girl, I would. Thing is, I cant seem to. I have a strange feeling inside of me that she will always be with me.

    But I still long for a kiss, a touch, anything really. Sometimes I foolishly believe that if I wish for something hard enough, it will just come true. As if I wished so hard for Spencer, and she would be here, suddenly. Yeah, right.

    Unfortunatly, that has never happened before.




    "How do you do it?"

    Honestly, tonight wasnt my best night, as I had a killer, pounding headache and I was super tired. The one reason I came was because John had shown up at my door, practically begging me. He just likes to pick up girls with me. We always make bets and stuff about it. As degrading as that sounds, we mean well, I think. It’s not like we actually do harm to these girls. And it isnt our fault that these girls are so slutty. Its not like we force them, they come to us.

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    1. Woo! Its Spencer! Now lets drink…*runs to fridge and downs a beer* I…loovee…your-your story! I’m just messin around there was just a lot of drunks in this update so I thought I’d join the party lol. Anyways awesome update. And I can’t wait for you to update just accept it either that story is far beyond amazing. Pms =)

    2. man if that happens everytime i’d stay away from the club scene to much of a hassel and they are meeting again and that may not be a good thing considering ash is drunk

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