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    Best For Me – (Chapter: Come gather round people)


    “She’s a champion. I’m fine Gray, go. Call me when you get back.”


    “I will, I promise. I’m sorry Spence. If I could get out of this one I would.” He looked sad.


    Spencer managed to get herself up on her elbows and then let one free to touch his cheek gently. “I know Gray. You’ve been great the last few weeks. It’ll be fine. Go and we’ll see you on Monday ok.”


    He nodded. He also looked like he wanted to say something, but whatever it was, he kept it inside. “I’ll see you Monday.” He rubbed a hand gently over one of hers and then left.


    Spencer smiled when she heard Ashley’s footsteps emerge from the hallway. She knew that it wouldn’t be long after the door shut before the brunette came back out. She was a little surprised when Elly’s face suddenly appeared upside down over the end of the couch, about three inches above her mother. After a slightly startled movement, Spencer grinned, and then pulled the little girls head down for a kiss.


    “Hey pumpkin” she signed. “Whatcha up to?”


    “Nothing” Elly signed back. “Ashley was gonna play dolls with me but she said we should make sure you were ok first.”


    “Well I’m peachy so you go right ahead” Spencer signed, voicing the words so that Ashley could hear them.


    Spencer let them play, and she let Ashley fuss around her for the rest of the evening. She didn’t have the energy to complain, and anyway, she enjoyed it. The tightenings in her stomach were becoming a little disarming. They weren’t quite what she was used to, but they felt much like the false ones she’d had all the way through.


    It was nine when Ashley shook her awake. She’d fallen asleep on the couch sometime after dinner, and the brunette hadn’t wanted to wake her.


    “Spence hon, you should probably go to bed.” Ashley said, gently shaking the pregnant girls shoulder.


    “Mmm. In a sec, gotta put Elly to bed,” was the mumbled reply. Ashley chuckled softly.


    “It’s nine hon, I put Elly to bed an hour ago.”


    Spencer opened her eyes sleepily. “Really?”

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    1. Woot!! Baby is coming and Ash gets to be there :-D!! Bet you a margarita she passes out during the birth…hmmm. I guess that’s not quite fair since you are writing this but what the hell, I’ll bet you anyways. Great job. Can’t wait to see what happens in the delivery room :-)!!!!!!!

    2. OMG! As soon as I read what Spencer said to her dad I hyperventilated. I hate you! That’s a total lie, but it makes me feel better. I am NOT the type of person who freaks out from reading that someone is going into labor. That is just NOT me! I love you, seriously, I was lying about hating you. I could never ever ever hate you. NEVER. Not after this post. :) LOVE! And Spencer looks like “a beached whale”? That’s what I said…or something like that. Those probably weren’t my exact words. I think I said something like “Humongous”. I don’t remember. Please feel free to update anytime. I love it when you post a lot. PMS ASAP!!! xoxoxo LoVeLoVeLoVeLoVe.

    3. haha. i liked the end line. She laughed later when she woke Ash up and told her the same thing, because there was the exact same response. With some added Ashley pithiness. haha, great.

    4. Goober…I kicked Walker the Texas Ranger’s ASS. And yes, I was in control of the evil cyborg goats that I sent after our dear Cloms…but something about a forcefield and shit stopped my evil plans…meh.Yay for Spencer!!! I’m so excited for the baby! I love how Ash is like freaking out, lol. I would.

    5. waiting… waiting… oh wait i better call my sponser, i forgot im happy to say ive been seeking help and i am no longer adickdead’ to your scrumptious storylines and enticing writing skills. wait didnt you say the next one going to be a killer? as in kill me tenderloin? Grrr like a bear, i need a fix. waiting… waiting… >_

    6. K does it make me a bad person if I smiled when Spencer flinched away from Gray? lol. Sorry I’ve been a lurker lately I hate funks. Anyways I didn’t know you liked my brownies that much! Heres some more I baked especially for you. Great update. Can I have Ashley come over and take care of me for a couple days? And again does it make me a bad person if I hope Gray isn’t there for the birth of his child and Ashley is instead? *evil grin* I can’t wait for the next update…it is going to be a doozy. And I’m excited! Maybe I should’ve been taking bets on who thought its going to be a boy and who thought its going to be a girl…damn I hate when I think of things too late. But I’m thinking its going to be a girl. Don’t know, just a hunch. But if its a boy thats cool too cause boys are soo cute! hehe So you forgive me that I’ve been a lurker thats been with holding the brownies? ;)

    7. Just want to say that I love this story. I’ve been following it since the beginning. You are a great writer and one of the reasons I even decided to sign up… Can’t wait for your next post…I’m addicted!

    8. Woot!! Baby is coming and Ash gets to be there :-D!! Bet you a margarita she passes out during the birth…hmmm. I guess that’s not quite fair since you are writing this but what the hell, I’ll bet you anyways. Great job. Can’t wait to see what happens in the delivery room :-)!!!!!!!

    9. OMG! As soon as I read what Spencer said to her dad I hyperventilated. I hate you! That’s a total lie, but it makes me feel better. I am NOT the type of person who freaks out from reading that someone is going into labor. That is just NOT me! I love you, seriously, I was lying about hating you. I could never ever ever hate you. NEVER. Not after this post. :) LOVE! And Spencer looks like “a beached whale”? That’s what I said…or something like that. Those probably weren’t my exact words. I think I said something like “Humongous”. I don’t remember. Please feel free to update anytime. I love it when you post a lot. PMS ASAP!!! xoxoxo LoVeLoVeLoVeLoVe.

    10. haha. i liked the end line. She laughed later when she woke Ash up and told her the same thing, because there was the exact same response. With some added Ashley pithiness. haha, great.

    11. Goober…I kicked Walker the Texas Ranger’s ASS. And yes, I was in control of the evil cyborg goats that I sent after our dear Cloms…but something about a forcefield and shit stopped my evil plans…meh.Yay for Spencer!!! I’m so excited for the baby! I love how Ash is like freaking out, lol. I would.

    12. waiting… waiting… oh wait i better call my sponser, i forgot im happy to say ive been seeking help and i am no longer adickdead’ to your scrumptious storylines and enticing writing skills. wait didnt you say the next one going to be a killer? as in kill me tenderloin? Grrr like a bear, i need a fix. waiting… waiting… >_

    13. K does it make me a bad person if I smiled when Spencer flinched away from Gray? lol. Sorry I’ve been a lurker lately I hate funks. Anyways I didn’t know you liked my brownies that much! Heres some more I baked especially for you. Great update. Can I have Ashley come over and take care of me for a couple days? And again does it make me a bad person if I hope Gray isn’t there for the birth of his child and Ashley is instead? *evil grin* I can’t wait for the next update…it is going to be a doozy. And I’m excited! Maybe I should’ve been taking bets on who thought its going to be a boy and who thought its going to be a girl…damn I hate when I think of things too late. But I’m thinking its going to be a girl. Don’t know, just a hunch. But if its a boy thats cool too cause boys are soo cute! hehe So you forgive me that I’ve been a lurker thats been with holding the brownies? ;)

    14. Just want to say that I love this story. I’ve been following it since the beginning. You are a great writer and one of the reasons I even decided to sign up… Can’t wait for your next post…I’m addicted!

    15. haha. this sort of reminds me of the story of my birth. only i was 2 months early not a week. and everyone was pissed over having to leave the Sugar Bowl parties cause UGA was playing…So actually i guess its nothing like that. Maybe just the reactions. its good to see Gray trying. Ash being all fussy. an Elly, being just damn cute. good job.

    16. haha. this sort of reminds me of the story of my birth. only i was 2 months early not a week. and everyone was pissed over having to leave the Sugar Bowl parties cause UGA was playing…So actually i guess its nothing like that. Maybe just the reactions. its good to see Gray trying. Ash being all fussy. an Elly, being just damn cute. good job.

    17. oh cool!! finally the baby is coming out! can’t wait to see what happens!! ash must be freaking out now. heh. i enjoyed reading each and every fic from you. you’re like the vitamins i need to take every day to function nornally. :D

    18. oh cool!! finally the baby is coming out! can’t wait to see what happens!! ash must be freaking out now. heh. i enjoyed reading each and every fic from you. you’re like the vitamins i need to take every day to function nornally. :D

    19. haha i dont know why but that “oh my fucking god” part is making me laugh. more than it probably should, actually. anyway, super post :] you never cease to amaze me.

    20. haha i dont know why but that “oh my fucking god” part is making me laugh. more than it probably should, actually. anyway, super post :] you never cease to amaze me.

    21. Well, despite having a horribly shitty night beyong belief and a complete lack of sleep, I give you the answer you’ve been waiting for. A labor update was more than enough to slap my ass and get me into gear. (Sorry, I was a bit distracted when I commented last time and I forgot. I was having meaningful dialogue of the BAD variety if you get my drift. All dialogue but very meaningful.) Anyhow, after my endless research, I’ve discovered that the nefarious cohort of the most evil of all goats is in fact: PeglegMeg. (Forgive me for dragging you into this, Meg.) You see, it’s all very simple. I was looking over past posts and I noticed a couple of things: PegLeg was the first one to ever mention that it wasn’t just a mountain goat, but a CYBORG goat. How could she know that unless she was involved? Later on, she also mentioned that the goat STOPPED BY HER HOUSE demanding wheatgrass and a series of other things. So you see? A relationship was established and it lingered all along. So, I state that it was PegLeg, in the mountains of Nepal, with a Cyborg Goat. Do I win? Was I right? Do I get a cookie?

    22. Well, despite having a horribly shitty night beyong belief and a complete lack of sleep, I give you the answer you’ve been waiting for. A labor update was more than enough to slap my ass and get me into gear. (Sorry, I was a bit distracted when I commented last time and I forgot. I was having meaningful dialogue of the BAD variety if you get my drift. All dialogue but very meaningful.) Anyhow, after my endless research, I’ve discovered that the nefarious cohort of the most evil of all goats is in fact: PeglegMeg. (Forgive me for dragging you into this, Meg.) You see, it’s all very simple. I was looking over past posts and I noticed a couple of things: PegLeg was the first one to ever mention that it wasn’t just a mountain goat, but a CYBORG goat. How could she know that unless she was involved? Later on, she also mentioned that the goat STOPPED BY HER HOUSE demanding wheatgrass and a series of other things. So you see? A relationship was established and it lingered all along. So, I state that it was PegLeg, in the mountains of Nepal, with a Cyborg Goat. Do I win? Was I right? Do I get a cookie?

    23. WOW! okay? Just wow! I dont think spencer getting all hot and bothered from ashley is good for the baby. j/k j/k. But seriously. A week early isnt bad tho. Some people go like…a month early. Or late. Either way. PMS!

    24. WOW! okay? Just wow! I dont think spencer getting all hot and bothered from ashley is good for the baby. j/k j/k. But seriously. A week early isnt bad tho. Some people go like…a month early. Or late. Either way. PMS!

    25. I’m so excited about the baby being born. You have no idea. What will they baby’s name be? Sweet how Spencer wanted Ashley to sleep with her. So does this mean Gray will miss the birth? I’m sorry but….YAY! Thank you for sending his ass to Arizona because I couldn’t take him being in the delivery room. I know he’s been a good father for the past 2-3 months (if that long) but, I really want Ashley to be a part of Spencer’s life. Ashley is good for Spencer and Elly. I can’t believe neither of Elly’s grandparents have tried to learn sign language. I feel sorry for Elly. Ashley and Spencer’s love is so unconditional. They’re met to be. I’m just worried about Ashley because Gray STILL doesn’t know and neither does Paula or Elly. I hope Ashley doesn’t get heart broken in the end. I’m happy but, I’m worried.

    26. I’m so excited about the baby being born. You have no idea. What will they baby’s name be? Sweet how Spencer wanted Ashley to sleep with her. So does this mean Gray will miss the birth? I’m sorry but….YAY! Thank you for sending his ass to Arizona because I couldn’t take him being in the delivery room. I know he’s been a good father for the past 2-3 months (if that long) but, I really want Ashley to be a part of Spencer’s life. Ashley is good for Spencer and Elly. I can’t believe neither of Elly’s grandparents have tried to learn sign language. I feel sorry for Elly. Ashley and Spencer’s love is so unconditional. They’re met to be. I’m just worried about Ashley because Gray STILL doesn’t know and neither does Paula or Elly. I hope Ashley doesn’t get heart broken in the end. I’m happy but, I’m worried.

    27. Nay, wookie! Peglegmeg is NOT the creator of the most evil of cyborg goats. But she appears to be awilling co-conspirator! As to who actually CREATED the most blasphemous of all blended beings…well, that’s a mystery I have yet to crack. But don’t worry. Chuck Norris is on the case. And if anyone can find out, it’s Walker Texas Ranger.

    28. Nay, wookie! Peglegmeg is NOT the creator of the most evil of cyborg goats. But she appears to be awilling co-conspirator! As to who actually CREATED the most blasphemous of all blended beings…well, that’s a mystery I have yet to crack. But don’t worry. Chuck Norris is on the case. And if anyone can find out, it’s Walker Texas Ranger.

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