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    Best For Me – (Chapter: Haven’t you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door)

    Spencer jiggled up and down on the front step and shook her hands nervously at her sides. She felt a gentle hand on her shoulder,


    “Spencer, calm down, no one is going to eat you alive!” Gray laughed gently.


    “My mother might.”


    “She’s not going to, just calm down. We do this together right.” Gray sounded so calm and in control. Well, it wasn’t his parents he was going to tell, that was next week. On the other hand, it can’t be that easy walking into your ex-inlaws house and going ‘hi, we’re still getting divorced, she’s pregnant, see ya!’.


    Spencer still couldn’t shake her butterflies. Gray squeezed her hand understandingly one last time and then rang the doorbell. Spencer’s mother answered it, smiling her pretty smile and on seeing Gray, Spencer couldn’t help notice that the smile went all the way to her mother’s stunning blue eyes, the exact same shade as her daughters.


    “Spencer, Gray, it’s so good to see you both. Come in, come in.” Letting them through the door she gave her daughter a knowing grin and a squeeze on the shoulder. Spencer rolled her eyes at her mothers retreating back. Trust her mother to read way too much into them coming over together. Well, she should have expected that really.


    The wound their way through the house to the back porch where Elly was safely ensconced in her grandfather’s lap, with Mr. Ruffles grasped in her arms. Seeing Gray, she hopped down and ran over excitedly and threw herself into his arms, accepting his hugs with giggles.


    “Heya champ” he said, and Spencer felt like rolling her eyes again given that Elly couldn’t hear him.


    Elly’s fingers flew, and Gray looked to Spencer who translated. “She said: Daddy, I hurt myself but it’s all better now.” Spencer looked at Gray pointedly who half smiled ruefully. He kissed Elly gently on her bandage and put her down. Holding Mr. Ruffles by one forlorn leg she ran off to chase her parent’s cat around the yard.


    Spencer sat down at the table after kissing her father on the temple, and grabbed a glass of lemonade. She wished it was stronger but even if her parents had something remotely strong on offer, she couldn’t anyway. Funnily enough, it was the first time being pregnant that she’d missed alcohol. Trust her mother to drive her to drink. Actually, that wasn’t fair. It was Spencer’s own anxiety over her mother’s response.

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    1. someone finally found a way to shut paula up. good on ya mate!! See all you other cyber people, Gray isnt a bad guy. You all jump to too many conclusions

    2. You know, when I was a little kid I owned a stuffed pink elephant. Its name was El…lol kinda reminds me of Mr. Ruffles. Anyway that was a random, pointless statement. Loved the story. It’s amazing as usual. I agree with smile_sadly though, where is 28 Days? I had been thinking about that a few days ago. All your stories are great though so I’m not complaining. Like I said, LOVED IT! PMS

    3. Well, looks like I’m finally caught up. I’m really, really enjoying this story and I’m happy that Gray finally came to his senses. Your comparision of Paula to the wicked witch got me laughing…really funny. I was also really touched by Spencer asking Gray to the scan. It’s really so much better for all of them if they can remain friends. Kids need Dads too. :)

    4. someone finally found a way to shut paula up. good on ya mate!! See all you other cyber people, Gray isnt a bad guy. You all jump to too many conclusions

    5. You know, when I was a little kid I owned a stuffed pink elephant. Its name was El…lol kinda reminds me of Mr. Ruffles. Anyway that was a random, pointless statement. Loved the story. It’s amazing as usual. I agree with smile_sadly though, where is 28 Days? I had been thinking about that a few days ago. All your stories are great though so I’m not complaining. Like I said, LOVED IT! PMS

    6. Well, looks like I’m finally caught up. I’m really, really enjoying this story and I’m happy that Gray finally came to his senses. Your comparision of Paula to the wicked witch got me laughing…really funny. I was also really touched by Spencer asking Gray to the scan. It’s really so much better for all of them if they can remain friends. Kids need Dads too. :)

    7. OMG, i cant believe i forgot to comment. Sorry. But yeah, i read this earlier and its great. I cant wait to hear what goes on when ashley visits! WHOOT WHOOT! Come on…post again? PLease? For me? Your chicken little asks you too!! PMS,Please

    8. OMG, i cant believe i forgot to comment. Sorry. But yeah, i read this earlier and its great. I cant wait to hear what goes on when ashley visits! WHOOT WHOOT! Come on…post again? PLease? For me? Your chicken little asks you too!! PMS,Please

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