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    Best For Me – (Chapter: Just when you think you’re in control)

    “I still think you should go to the hospital,” Ashley grumbled. Her arm was tight around Spencer’s waist as she helped the blonde in through the front door. Spencer could walk just fine but Ashley was refusing to go anywhere. Her face said it all, she was damn worried and wasn’t going to let go of her friend until she was safely tucked up in bed; preferably after she’d seen a doctor.


    “I’m FINE Ashley. I feel just fine. It was a little warm and I fainted was all.” Spencer protested, trying not to let the insistent voice in her head ring through in her voice. She’d never fainted before in her life. It was a very un-Spencer like thing to do. But she’d be damned if she was going to tell Ashley that.


    “Ok, but I’m putting you to bed and I’m not going home tonight. I can sleep on the couch.” Ashley parried defiantly.


    “You don’t have to stay!” the reply came. “but if you do you’re not staying on the damn couch. I have a spare room.”


    “Oh yeah” Ashley grinned at her own silliness.


    “You’re such a dweeb sometimes.” Spencer withdrew from the arm around her waist and sat on the couch. She’d enjoyed the closeness, but had to admit that her head was still swimming somewhat and her enjoyment had been tempered by her actual need for support. “You don’t have to stay though, I really will be fine. I am fine!”


    “It’s ok. I want to make sure you’re not going to faint again in the morning.”


    “Why would I?” Spencer smiled at her friends worry. “It was a one off Ashley, I swear. It was just warm with all those people. I’ve never done it before, it won’t happen again.”


    When the look of panic flashed across Ashley’s face Spencer realized that she’d let the cat out of the bag.


    “You’ve never fainted before?”


    “Um… not as such.” Spencer grabbed a pillow and hugged it to her chest. It was an unconscious gesture she repeated a lot. It was times like these she wished Mr. Ruffles was around, he was always good for a hug. “It’s fine Ashley. Honest. I feel just fine. Lots of people faint it’s no big deal.”

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    1. Wow! I didn’t see this coming until Spencer got sick after eatting the eggs. I love this story soooo much. It gets better and better. I can’t believe Spencer is pregnant. When is the last time she and Grey had sex? Because I’m wondering how many months along she is. I thought they hadn’t had sex in a while. Being a single mother is hard so, I wonder if she’ll consider her options. You know, like abortion. I don’t want her to but, I know she going crazy right now. This means she has to deal with Grey, her mom and Ashley. Points to you for having Ashley mention that she likes to work with children. I hope Ash helps her through her pregnancy. And I hope Spencer has another girl.Boys are stupid….Throw rocks at them.PPPPPLLLLLEEEAAAASSSEEEEE pms;)

    2. I KNEW IT! It’s Mr. Ruffles, isn’t it?!? Ever since she wished he was there to comfort her I thought there was more chemistry than usual. No wonder she didn’t have Ashley sleep in the same bed with her she’s ‘secretly’ having another ‘secret’ affair! *sigh* but seriously though you wouldn’t bring Spence and Gray back together just because…*shudders at the thought* This story keeps bringing more twists and turns to the point I feel like I’m on a rollercoaster!!! And yet I’m addicted, so utterly addicted. (just so you know I would SO buy the Mr. Ruffles bath soaps! I’d be First in line!) And now I have to wait until Tuesday!?! I’ll be experiencing withdrawls by then…but it will be worth it because your such a fucking great writer! ;-)

    3. OMG! She is mother fluffin pregnant? Is it grey’s baby? What am i saying, of course it is. I have reason to believe it isnt ashley’s. haha. But still. That is going to make things very difficult on them. i mean, having two children, both belonging to her ex-husband, while trying to start a relationship with a woman! Man, your story reaches new heights and i like it! haha. PMS you amazing author. lol please.

    4. Wow! I didn’t see this coming until Spencer got sick after eatting the eggs. I love this story soooo much. It gets better and better. I can’t believe Spencer is pregnant. When is the last time she and Grey had sex? Because I’m wondering how many months along she is. I thought they hadn’t had sex in a while. Being a single mother is hard so, I wonder if she’ll consider her options. You know, like abortion. I don’t want her to but, I know she going crazy right now. This means she has to deal with Grey, her mom and Ashley. Points to you for having Ashley mention that she likes to work with children. I hope Ash helps her through her pregnancy. And I hope Spencer has another girl.Boys are stupid….Throw rocks at them.PPPPPLLLLLEEEAAAASSSEEEEE pms;)

    5. I KNEW IT! It’s Mr. Ruffles, isn’t it?!? Ever since she wished he was there to comfort her I thought there was more chemistry than usual. No wonder she didn’t have Ashley sleep in the same bed with her she’s ‘secretly’ having another ‘secret’ affair! *sigh* but seriously though you wouldn’t bring Spence and Gray back together just because…*shudders at the thought* This story keeps bringing more twists and turns to the point I feel like I’m on a rollercoaster!!! And yet I’m addicted, so utterly addicted. (just so you know I would SO buy the Mr. Ruffles bath soaps! I’d be First in line!) And now I have to wait until Tuesday!?! I’ll be experiencing withdrawls by then…but it will be worth it because your such a fucking great writer! ;-)

    6. OMG! She is mother fluffin pregnant? Is it grey’s baby? What am i saying, of course it is. I have reason to believe it isnt ashley’s. haha. But still. That is going to make things very difficult on them. i mean, having two children, both belonging to her ex-husband, while trying to start a relationship with a woman! Man, your story reaches new heights and i like it! haha. PMS you amazing author. lol please.

    7. Hello Clom. I apologise for going AWOL. I am still an avid reader and fan, but also still as busy as a busy thing, therefore can read but often have to move on very quickly without reply. I suck, I know, and I will grovel for as long as is necessary! Just name a length of time! Oh, but I deserve points cos I thought as much about Spencer!! It’s a shame it’s physically impossible for it to be Ashley’s! My vote is she gets rid of it (sorry if that offends people who are against abortions!), but she doesn’t need another link to Grey, especially when things are looking up for her and Ash. Plus she’s got a lot on her plate already with Elly, etc, without the need for him to come sniffing round again! Men, huh!? lol ;-) Then again he could be a total asswipe and disown the child, thus alllowing Ashley to step in and help raise it… although for some reason I don’t like that idea! I hope you post more soon, you little ledge, you!

    8. Hello Clom. I apologise for going AWOL. I am still an avid reader and fan, but also still as busy as a busy thing, therefore can read but often have to move on very quickly without reply. I suck, I know, and I will grovel for as long as is necessary! Just name a length of time! Oh, but I deserve points cos I thought as much about Spencer!! It’s a shame it’s physically impossible for it to be Ashley’s! My vote is she gets rid of it (sorry if that offends people who are against abortions!), but she doesn’t need another link to Grey, especially when things are looking up for her and Ash. Plus she’s got a lot on her plate already with Elly, etc, without the need for him to come sniffing round again! Men, huh!? lol ;-) Then again he could be a total asswipe and disown the child, thus alllowing Ashley to step in and help raise it… although for some reason I don’t like that idea! I hope you post more soon, you little ledge, you!

    9. I knew it! I knew it I knew it I knew itI knew it! The second Spence purged into the toilet I wondered to myself “Is she pregnant?” Anyway… GREAT chapter as usual, I’m seriously in love with Mr. Ruffles. He is the coolest character on this site I have to say! Your stories always bring a smile to my face. :) PMS!

    10. I knew it! I knew it I knew it I knew itI knew it! The second Spence purged into the toilet I wondered to myself “Is she pregnant?” Anyway… GREAT chapter as usual, I’m seriously in love with Mr. Ruffles. He is the coolest character on this site I have to say! Your stories always bring a smile to my face. :) PMS!

    11. You are getting good at adding those unexpected twists. I was all set for a night of romance which was replaced with an oh no what next. great job :)

    12. You are getting good at adding those unexpected twists. I was all set for a night of romance which was replaced with an oh no what next. great job :)

    13. Oh, she’ll totally keep it, bannerman! It’s Catholic Spencer, for the love of God, erm, you. She’ll totally keep it and Ash and Spence will have a baby. And Gray will be a nice enough Dad from a distance. I KNEW she was pregnant. I sensed it. I thought a couple chapters back when Gray mentioned custody “Sucks if Spence was pregnant…” and hot potato! She is! POST MORE! I don’t care if you’re on vaca. Post more….for my birthday? :D:D:D Yes, I did just pull the birthday card. Mwahahah!

    14. Oh, she’ll totally keep it, bannerman! It’s Catholic Spencer, for the love of God, erm, you. She’ll totally keep it and Ash and Spence will have a baby. And Gray will be a nice enough Dad from a distance. I KNEW she was pregnant. I sensed it. I thought a couple chapters back when Gray mentioned custody “Sucks if Spence was pregnant…” and hot potato! She is! POST MORE! I don’t care if you’re on vaca. Post more….for my birthday? :D:D:D Yes, I did just pull the birthday card. Mwahahah!

    15. Oh dear…the second she fainted, I thought, uh-oh…she’s pregnant. Now I am wondering when it occurred. She was with ASh for two weeks after. Perhaps goodbye sex? Hmm…well, we’ll know soon enough. Now this is a serious situation, ahhh! Single mom; most likely in love with a woman, part time job…things are going to get very complicated. Kudos Sarah!!!! It was wierd, I imagined myself as Ashley, just “waiting” around for Spencer a year down the line, heartbroken all the time, because there hasn’t been a “commitment” between you two and the Gray connection is always there. You don’t want to disconnect or leave, because there is always that chance you two will be together. But, you can’t spend your life in limbo…what the hell would you do? The heart rules the head, but only for so long. Anyways, great plot twist. Spencer is going to have to think long and hard about this. Having two children as a single mom is HARD. And she wouldn’t go back to Gray, we all know that. Ash will probably offer to help raise, but not sure how Spencer would take that. I can see this story as being quite epic, no? Much like The House of the Spirits or something grand like that.I love you and this fic, S. :)

    16. Oh dear…the second she fainted, I thought, uh-oh…she’s pregnant. Now I am wondering when it occurred. She was with ASh for two weeks after. Perhaps goodbye sex? Hmm…well, we’ll know soon enough. Now this is a serious situation, ahhh! Single mom; most likely in love with a woman, part time job…things are going to get very complicated. Kudos Sarah!!!! It was wierd, I imagined myself as Ashley, just “waiting” around for Spencer a year down the line, heartbroken all the time, because there hasn’t been a “commitment” between you two and the Gray connection is always there. You don’t want to disconnect or leave, because there is always that chance you two will be together. But, you can’t spend your life in limbo…what the hell would you do? The heart rules the head, but only for so long. Anyways, great plot twist. Spencer is going to have to think long and hard about this. Having two children as a single mom is HARD. And she wouldn’t go back to Gray, we all know that. Ash will probably offer to help raise, but not sure how Spencer would take that. I can see this story as being quite epic, no? Much like The House of the Spirits or something grand like that.I love you and this fic, S. :)

    17. PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!! IS IT ASHLEY??!! Because you know if it was then it would be okay! But I am LOVING this story. I am always so drawn in!! PLEASE POST MORE SOON for the sake of little of ole’ me!!!

    18. PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!! IS IT ASHLEY??!! Because you know if it was then it would be okay! But I am LOVING this story. I am always so drawn in!! PLEASE POST MORE SOON for the sake of little of ole’ me!!!

    19. holy crap. i did not see that coming. and of course my computer when i scrolled down jus perfectly covered that one line. so it was even more of a shock. omg shes pregnant…what is she gonna do? omg i am in complete shock. i cant wait until the next post which better not be weeks away or ill die.

    20. holy crap. i did not see that coming. and of course my computer when i scrolled down jus perfectly covered that one line. so it was even more of a shock. omg shes pregnant…what is she gonna do? omg i am in complete shock. i cant wait until the next post which better not be weeks away or ill die.

    21. OMG!!! I so saw that coming..Right when Spencer started feeling queasy after eating the eggs..Wow..that was amazing. Is Ashley going to stay and help her through the pregnancy?…Aww Elly’s going to have a little sibling..Thats so adorable. I Love how Elly was worried about Spencer. Oh and Mr. Ruffles is awesome. :] Post More Soon Please

    22. OMG!!! I so saw that coming..Right when Spencer started feeling queasy after eating the eggs..Wow..that was amazing. Is Ashley going to stay and help her through the pregnancy?…Aww Elly’s going to have a little sibling..Thats so adorable. I Love how Elly was worried about Spencer. Oh and Mr. Ruffles is awesome. :] Post More Soon Please

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