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    Best For Me – (Chapter: What the sea wants the sea shall have.)


    She let Alex finish feeding and then burped him. Carrying him out to the living room she checked for Ashley. Nothing. The bathroom door was open and she clearly wasn’t there. The kitchen and dining room were empty and the only person in the living room was Elly, watching cartoons with cereal and an elephant.


    Alex swung lazily in his bouncy thing on the floor. Spencer had no idea what else to call it, some strange contraption that allowed him to lie flat in his carrier while slowly swaying backwards and forwards with whatever breeze was available. He seemed very content there, nearly asleep and blowing bubbles. For a second, Spencer envied him more than anything.


    She looked for a distraction. The house was clean, the washing done, everything in order. She tidied Elly’s cereal bowl the second the girl was finished and cleaned it with more vigour than was strictly necessary. Every second the clock ticked was another gram of panic added on to the tide that was now threatening to flood Spencer.


    Where the hell was Ashley? Spencer was worried about her. And she was also worried about what she was going to say when she saw her. It was ridiculous, to be flooded about panic should Ashley not come back soon, and to be inundated with it should she do the opposite. Spencer just couldn’t win!


    She nearly fell over when the door opened. It wasn’t locked, it could have been anyone, but Spencer knew who it was.


    Ashley appeared, in a set of sweats and completely out of breath. She was red, and sweaty and even now Spencer’s heart flipped over at just the sight of her. Not to mention the things the sight of Ashley did further down.


    The brunette flashed a look at Spencer, who was standing between the kitchen and the living room looking worried. She was feeling worried too. She knew they had to talk, but Ashley was leaning on her knees and had clearly just run several miles, so now probably wasn’t the best time to initiate a deep, intimate conversation.


    Ashley must have silently agreed because without saying anything, she disappeared up the hall. Spencer watched her go. Moments later the noise of the shower running sparked the blonde back to life and she realized she was shaking. Because this was it. They had to talk, they just had to. After last night they couldn’t leave things as they stood. Oh god, last night, just the thought of it made her go weak at the knees.

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    1. *fumes* shes an idiot. which one “she” is idk. haha. they both are. but thats love? hell i wouldnt know. but uh..i cant wait until the next update. i want..uh..something. haha idk. :] i lug you AT

    2. DAMNIT SPENCER!!! ARGH…you know theres this new contraption thats called a ‘mouth’ and when you open it words come out..imagine that! WOW! Thanks Clo for the nifty update, of course you had to add drama it wouldn’t be your story without it! ;) more? Plweeese!?! Come on I’m so sick, litterally with a fucking cold and I think its turning into the flu and…and I need more BFM or 28 Days! Either one or BOTH would make me a hundred times better cause me woves your stories, me woves you Clomle me woves you!

    3. Ok, so I haven’t commented after 4,348 chapters, give or take a few, but I wanted to say something at least. I frickin’ heart your damn story. That enough? No? Ok. I regret to inform you that my present reading situation (i.e. at work, in between crap) doesn’t allow me much time anymore to read completely. It usually takes me 2-3 days to read one post and then I have to reread to comment and then, well, I forget to comment because you posted again. Such a difficult crazy spiral. Hold on, have to get my laundry. Ok, sorry about that. I’m at a friends right now and he’s pissed that I’m on here reading instead of playing video games with him…boys. I do love your story and I’m writing one myself, and have been for a while, but it seems as though as I write I become better than my last time, but then I read a story and know that I have a ways to go, to get it good. You know? You make a girl nervous to post her own piece. One of these days, one of these days. I’m sad to see this end, but I know that you will do it justice, so keep on, keeping on.

    4. damn everything Ashley said never even crossed my mind. i thought everything was going to go spencers way but then you smacked me with the fact that ash was angry. i was as confused as spencer. lol. pms

    5. i think i’m too crazy emotional right now to have read this. nothing like hindsight. you really know how to reach right in there and twist the old aorta clom. gah. did spencer have to stand on a chair to get her head that far up her ass? ashley certainly is a good mind reader.

    6. argh! ashley was moving so quickly, she definitely wasn’t in the mood to hear spencer talk, though spence couldn’t even open her fucking mouth. she could barely think! they’ve got to get some time together and really talk, if ashley will give her the time… which she will! she’d better, anyway.

    7. Excellent post :-) And how easy is it to imagine something like that going down…ah, the human condition. To Ash I say, bullshit! You are in love with Spencer and going on a date, while you are still living with Spencer is nothing but a test. To think you are moving on and have a chance at being happy with someone you’ve known for how long and dated once…kind of magical thinking. To Spencer I say, BREATHE…and get your head together soon cause that girl is going to walk if you don’t let her know how much you love her. To clomle I say, thanks. You write damn good drama woman! I liked that you made them wait. Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us! PMS!!!

    8. wow! didnt really expected this surprising turn of event. god will spencer finally get her acts together and go after the love of her life before it’s too late! damn ash should fight more for spencer too instead of stupidly thinking of moving on. post soon AT! much lugs.

    9. *fumes* shes an idiot. which one “she” is idk. haha. they both are. but thats love? hell i wouldnt know. but uh..i cant wait until the next update. i want..uh..something. haha idk. :] i lug you AT

    10. DAMNIT SPENCER!!! ARGH…you know theres this new contraption thats called a ‘mouth’ and when you open it words come out..imagine that! WOW! Thanks Clo for the nifty update, of course you had to add drama it wouldn’t be your story without it! ;) more? Plweeese!?! Come on I’m so sick, litterally with a fucking cold and I think its turning into the flu and…and I need more BFM or 28 Days! Either one or BOTH would make me a hundred times better cause me woves your stories, me woves you Clomle me woves you!

    11. Ok, so I haven’t commented after 4,348 chapters, give or take a few, but I wanted to say something at least. I frickin’ heart your damn story. That enough? No? Ok. I regret to inform you that my present reading situation (i.e. at work, in between crap) doesn’t allow me much time anymore to read completely. It usually takes me 2-3 days to read one post and then I have to reread to comment and then, well, I forget to comment because you posted again. Such a difficult crazy spiral. Hold on, have to get my laundry. Ok, sorry about that. I’m at a friends right now and he’s pissed that I’m on here reading instead of playing video games with him…boys. I do love your story and I’m writing one myself, and have been for a while, but it seems as though as I write I become better than my last time, but then I read a story and know that I have a ways to go, to get it good. You know? You make a girl nervous to post her own piece. One of these days, one of these days. I’m sad to see this end, but I know that you will do it justice, so keep on, keeping on.

    12. damn everything Ashley said never even crossed my mind. i thought everything was going to go spencers way but then you smacked me with the fact that ash was angry. i was as confused as spencer. lol. pms

    13. i think i’m too crazy emotional right now to have read this. nothing like hindsight. you really know how to reach right in there and twist the old aorta clom. gah. did spencer have to stand on a chair to get her head that far up her ass? ashley certainly is a good mind reader.

    14. argh! ashley was moving so quickly, she definitely wasn’t in the mood to hear spencer talk, though spence couldn’t even open her fucking mouth. she could barely think! they’ve got to get some time together and really talk, if ashley will give her the time… which she will! she’d better, anyway.

    15. Excellent post :-) And how easy is it to imagine something like that going down…ah, the human condition. To Ash I say, bullshit! You are in love with Spencer and going on a date, while you are still living with Spencer is nothing but a test. To think you are moving on and have a chance at being happy with someone you’ve known for how long and dated once…kind of magical thinking. To Spencer I say, BREATHE…and get your head together soon cause that girl is going to walk if you don’t let her know how much you love her. To clomle I say, thanks. You write damn good drama woman! I liked that you made them wait. Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us! PMS!!!

    16. wow! didnt really expected this surprising turn of event. god will spencer finally get her acts together and go after the love of her life before it’s too late! damn ash should fight more for spencer too instead of stupidly thinking of moving on. post soon AT! much lugs.

    17. Damn. I thought that was going to go a different way. Damn spencer ass best be telling ashely that she wants her. Or spencer is going to lose ashley for good. And that cant happen. Damn. PMS

    18. Damn. I thought that was going to go a different way. Damn spencer ass best be telling ashely that she wants her. Or spencer is going to lose ashley for good. And that cant happen. Damn. PMS

    19. hi *comes out from under her rock* i can actually see where Ashley is coming from. She was finally prepared to move on with life, while still being there for spence, then BOOM everything is up in the air again… the dust will settle and we’ll see if our girls can sort themselves out :) great post once again and cant wait for more

    20. hi *comes out from under her rock* i can actually see where Ashley is coming from. She was finally prepared to move on with life, while still being there for spence, then BOOM everything is up in the air again… the dust will settle and we’ll see if our girls can sort themselves out :) great post once again and cant wait for more

    21. Wow great chapter! It’s about time ashley let spencer know how she’s feeling and how much of an idiot spence is being! I cant wait for the next chapter! Update soon!

    22. Wow great chapter! It’s about time ashley let spencer know how she’s feeling and how much of an idiot spence is being! I cant wait for the next chapter! Update soon!

    23. I want to simultaneously hug you and slap you. The hug, brought on by the fact you’ve posted and I bloody love it. The gratuitous violence a result of me wishing you’d let them be happy and together! lol. Why can’t Spencer just take a damn risk – cos if she doesn’t, she’s going to lose Ashley completely and then she’ll have no one! What she did was unfair to Ash, and to herself, and it’s about time she threw her caution to the wind and just got on with being happy. Them being together hardly makes much of a difference to where they stand – they love each other, live together, share everything – why can’t they officially be together!? Bollocks to her family’s and Gray’s opinions on the subject – she’s a grown woman! rant now officially over! love you! Jx

    24. I want to simultaneously hug you and slap you. The hug, brought on by the fact you’ve posted and I bloody love it. The gratuitous violence a result of me wishing you’d let them be happy and together! lol. Why can’t Spencer just take a damn risk – cos if she doesn’t, she’s going to lose Ashley completely and then she’ll have no one! What she did was unfair to Ash, and to herself, and it’s about time she threw her caution to the wind and just got on with being happy. Them being together hardly makes much of a difference to where they stand – they love each other, live together, share everything – why can’t they officially be together!? Bollocks to her family’s and Gray’s opinions on the subject – she’s a grown woman! rant now officially over! love you! Jx

    25. Knew it. knew it. knew it. damn. The second spencer headed in ash’s room, it was doomed. Spencer lives in a box, where her thought process only makes sense to her…she never sees the big picture. If I were Ash I would be tempted to not walk back thru that door. Spencer better get her head out of her ass and really really really think about how to articulate what she wants to ashley in picture perfect form. and she knows what she wants…she is just weak. in fact, I feel as though she may be too weak for ashley. The excuses are tapped, Spencer. you cannot hold a claim on her. I have no idea what it is you are waiting for,,but if I was Ashley…I would walk.

    26. Knew it. knew it. knew it. damn. The second spencer headed in ash’s room, it was doomed. Spencer lives in a box, where her thought process only makes sense to her…she never sees the big picture. If I were Ash I would be tempted to not walk back thru that door. Spencer better get her head out of her ass and really really really think about how to articulate what she wants to ashley in picture perfect form. and she knows what she wants…she is just weak. in fact, I feel as though she may be too weak for ashley. The excuses are tapped, Spencer. you cannot hold a claim on her. I have no idea what it is you are waiting for,,but if I was Ashley…I would walk.

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