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    Best For Me – (Chapter: When I’m feeling down, down, down, i end up in your arms.)

    Spencer threw the tea-towel into the washing basket with extra vigour and was satisfied when the lid slammed down in response. It was an appropriate echo of the emotions that were running in her own veins.


    What the hell is wrong with you Spencer, you’ve finally taken control of your own life. So get a damn grip.


    Spencer sighed dramatically and realized that there was no one there to hear it. Didn’t really matter, it was the gesture that mattered. She glanced at the clock. Eight o’clock. Great. The funny thing was, she’d left Gray. He’d left her, found himself and apartment. And he’d never been home anyway. But now that Elly was asleep, Spencer found her life feeling disturbingly empty and void of anything. At least she used to have arguments with Gray to look forward to. Maybe that wasn’t quite the way she felt about them at the time, but the hours spent between Elly’s bedtime and Gray wandering in the door had been spent in angst, working herself up to fever pitch with indignation. That had been ended now, so what was she going to do with herself?


    Dammit she needed a hobby. Or Ashley.


    Spencer shook her head, despite the still patent absence of anyone else to watch, and stopped herself from grabbing the phone and calling the sexy musician. Over the last two weeks, she’d found herself leaning more and more on the brunette. She’d had no protests from the other girl but she still knew she couldn’t depend on her forever. Ashley wasn’t around for her entertainment. She had her own life to live. Surely she was out now, on a Friday night. Having fun, seeing friends… meeting girls.


    That thought sent shivers up Spencer that weren’t well received. She wasn’t allowed to be jealous. Hell, she wasn’t even allowed to be interested. Dammit. Being good was never this hard before.


    Grabbing the phone she dialed a number before she could stop herself. The dial tone sounded on the other end and for a few moments Spencer thought there might be no one there, but then a familiar voice sounded on the line.




    “Hey Dad,” Spencer breathed out, happy that he was in fact home.

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    1. Oh, boy. First off, can I babysit Elly and Mr. Ruffles???????!!!!! Is it strange I am in love with a fictitious little girl and her stuffed elephant? Um, I was waiting for an all-telling Ashley song to make it to Spencer’s ears. I think the fact that this is all too easy, has terrified our dear Spence. Ash is so perfect and keeps her distance, but it is obvious she is like pining, madly in love with her. I think it all just hit at once, and her body decided to take a nap. She has purpose, her daughter, and someone who loves her and Elly…I think finding a purpose is the greatest challenge in life. Even when we are in love, there is that personal need for growth and if not quenched, we know something is missing. Spence needs to grab her laptop and start writing, dammit. It cleanses the soul. This update rocked! The song was perfect, and I adore this sweet tension between the two because it is just the right recipe of sexual desire and overwhelming love and compassion. All that is just swimming around these girls, and both need to allow it to settle, and then marinate them both in the happiness they deserve.I fainted once…overwhelmed by emotions and it just hit me. I took it as a sign…a call to action was needed and I did just that. Can’t wait for more, sarah!!!!!!

    2. I’m so addicted to this fic that I kept checking regularly just to see if there’s new posts from you. And there is even when you’re on holidays! How cool is that? ;) I love the way you describe Spencer’s confused emotions and how romantic is it when Ashley’s wrote and sang a song for her… I mean I would faint too if someone did that to me. :P It’s amazing and you’re amazing!!

    3. Wow, you are so so good to us loyal fans! Writing on holiday?! You’re the best!!!! Really, you’re the Best for Us!! Haha…Cheesy, I know! But I bow down to you because your writing makes me a fanfic freak. Spencer is so layered, and I love it. Your characterizations are spot on and so believable. I would say you deserve a break but then you would be depriving us of something truly awesome, and I don’t know about anyone else, but I get antsy when I don’t see an update from you. So go crazy!

    4. Okay, so im really confused. Did spencer just pass out? But at least ashley is there. And this has got to be the most amazing Fic out here. I am such a big fan of it that its unbelievable. I like it more than my own fan fictions. lol Actually, im thinking about dropping “Something’s missing” b/c nobody will comment on it…sad really. anyways. You SERIOUSLY need to PMS, but dont rush yourself since your on VAca. okay? Have fun. PMS-Please.

    5. awe, they’re so good for each other. friends or otherwise. I love the fact that Elly cant go anywhere with out Mr. Ruffles. reminds me of when i was a kid. hee. but you shouldnt have had Spencer tell Ashley to hold on to a tic, she could have gotten lime disease. you should know this things you are a doctor. now, back to Spencer. i will like to think she passed out because of the overwhelming love in her body. soooo, i’ll def. be back to see what’s up with her. cause well. you’re the best and i cant keep away from your posts.

    6. Ah, Mr. Ruffles..reminds me of my old stuffed animal back when I was younger. His name was Lamby, but he was actually a cow. I was 4 thats my excuse and I’m sticking to it! This story just keeps getting better and better! And the fact Spence fainted at the end, yep thats definately something I would do! Infact I have (shhh don’t say anything). Okay so, Spence is FINALLY free of ass-hole, Ash is single from Liv…2 and 2 makes 4, right?! I mean can’t they just realize thier meant for eachother and run away skipping to the music? *sigh* I guess that would be too easy and then the story would be over. I never want this fic to end! Loved the song btw, I’m now going to download it thanks to YOU! ;-) Alright well hopefully I made it past the four sentences mark. lol. You know I love this story its like a mix between hot chocolate and Wine coolers! oh gosh I’m nuts aren’t I?

    7. Oh, boy. First off, can I babysit Elly and Mr. Ruffles???????!!!!! Is it strange I am in love with a fictitious little girl and her stuffed elephant? Um, I was waiting for an all-telling Ashley song to make it to Spencer’s ears. I think the fact that this is all too easy, has terrified our dear Spence. Ash is so perfect and keeps her distance, but it is obvious she is like pining, madly in love with her. I think it all just hit at once, and her body decided to take a nap. She has purpose, her daughter, and someone who loves her and Elly…I think finding a purpose is the greatest challenge in life. Even when we are in love, there is that personal need for growth and if not quenched, we know something is missing. Spence needs to grab her laptop and start writing, dammit. It cleanses the soul. This update rocked! The song was perfect, and I adore this sweet tension between the two because it is just the right recipe of sexual desire and overwhelming love and compassion. All that is just swimming around these girls, and both need to allow it to settle, and then marinate them both in the happiness they deserve.I fainted once…overwhelmed by emotions and it just hit me. I took it as a sign…a call to action was needed and I did just that. Can’t wait for more, sarah!!!!!!

    8. I’m so addicted to this fic that I kept checking regularly just to see if there’s new posts from you. And there is even when you’re on holidays! How cool is that? ;) I love the way you describe Spencer’s confused emotions and how romantic is it when Ashley’s wrote and sang a song for her… I mean I would faint too if someone did that to me. :P It’s amazing and you’re amazing!!

    9. Wow, you are so so good to us loyal fans! Writing on holiday?! You’re the best!!!! Really, you’re the Best for Us!! Haha…Cheesy, I know! But I bow down to you because your writing makes me a fanfic freak. Spencer is so layered, and I love it. Your characterizations are spot on and so believable. I would say you deserve a break but then you would be depriving us of something truly awesome, and I don’t know about anyone else, but I get antsy when I don’t see an update from you. So go crazy!

    10. Okay, so im really confused. Did spencer just pass out? But at least ashley is there. And this has got to be the most amazing Fic out here. I am such a big fan of it that its unbelievable. I like it more than my own fan fictions. lol Actually, im thinking about dropping “Something’s missing” b/c nobody will comment on it…sad really. anyways. You SERIOUSLY need to PMS, but dont rush yourself since your on VAca. okay? Have fun. PMS-Please.

    11. awe, they’re so good for each other. friends or otherwise. I love the fact that Elly cant go anywhere with out Mr. Ruffles. reminds me of when i was a kid. hee. but you shouldnt have had Spencer tell Ashley to hold on to a tic, she could have gotten lime disease. you should know this things you are a doctor. now, back to Spencer. i will like to think she passed out because of the overwhelming love in her body. soooo, i’ll def. be back to see what’s up with her. cause well. you’re the best and i cant keep away from your posts.

    12. Ah, Mr. Ruffles..reminds me of my old stuffed animal back when I was younger. His name was Lamby, but he was actually a cow. I was 4 thats my excuse and I’m sticking to it! This story just keeps getting better and better! And the fact Spence fainted at the end, yep thats definately something I would do! Infact I have (shhh don’t say anything). Okay so, Spence is FINALLY free of ass-hole, Ash is single from Liv…2 and 2 makes 4, right?! I mean can’t they just realize thier meant for eachother and run away skipping to the music? *sigh* I guess that would be too easy and then the story would be over. I never want this fic to end! Loved the song btw, I’m now going to download it thanks to YOU! ;-) Alright well hopefully I made it past the four sentences mark. lol. You know I love this story its like a mix between hot chocolate and Wine coolers! oh gosh I’m nuts aren’t I?

    13. this fic is one of my favorites, so imagine my glee at seeing a post while you are on holiday. woo hoo. i can’t imagine where you came up with the possibility that anyone could compare your writing to poo…unless the alcohol down under is much stronger than it is here in the states. as much as i love my spashley fluff, i’m glad you haven’t just rushed them together. this is more believable…with spencer fighting what she wants. and fainting, boy i didn’t see that coming. hope you are having fun on holiday…did i make four lines?

    14. this fic is one of my favorites, so imagine my glee at seeing a post while you are on holiday. woo hoo. i can’t imagine where you came up with the possibility that anyone could compare your writing to poo…unless the alcohol down under is much stronger than it is here in the states. as much as i love my spashley fluff, i’m glad you haven’t just rushed them together. this is more believable…with spencer fighting what she wants. and fainting, boy i didn’t see that coming. hope you are having fun on holiday…did i make four lines?

    15. You did :) And I love you for it. I’m just wondering if I should keep Mr. Ruffles around as an ongoing character, I’ve kinda taken a shine to the little guy. One feisty elephant.

    16. You did :) And I love you for it. I’m just wondering if I should keep Mr. Ruffles around as an ongoing character, I’ve kinda taken a shine to the little guy. One feisty elephant.

    17. goob’s. i think I love ya :) We were just having a conversation on the forums re: mr. Ruffles. He’s getting his own story entitled, “The adventure of Mr. ruffles.” We’re just ironing out some plot details.

    18. goob’s. i think I love ya :) We were just having a conversation on the forums re: mr. Ruffles. He’s getting his own story entitled, “The adventure of Mr. ruffles.” We’re just ironing out some plot details.

    19. I think you should write a companion story told exclusively from Mr. Ruffles perspective. What are his thoughts on the break-up of Spencer’s marriage? Did he see it coming? What were his thoughts on meeting Ashley? What happens while Elly is over at her grandparents? I think it would complement this storyline brilliantly. ;) Nevermind me, by the way. I’m teetering on the edge of still being drunk and hungover 12 hours after I finished splurging. Anyways. I, too, did not see Spencer’s blackout coming. It was all a shock to me. Has she suddenly had an epiphany of love so strong that she’s been knocked out cold? Or is she somehow linked through an intergallactic vortex/wormhole to various other Spencer’s from other stories who at that very moment were getting elbowed in the face, having a vicious attack of appendicitis (Circles by you), AND getting accidentally runover by Ashley (Memories by Caseygurl)?!?! Damn. Poor Spence has it rough! I think all the various intergallactic Ashley dopplegangers need to cheer her up PRONTO! And not just with teddy bears, dammit. With looooooove. See? Told you I was still out of it.

    20. I think you should write a companion story told exclusively from Mr. Ruffles perspective. What are his thoughts on the break-up of Spencer’s marriage? Did he see it coming? What were his thoughts on meeting Ashley? What happens while Elly is over at her grandparents? I think it would complement this storyline brilliantly. ;) Nevermind me, by the way. I’m teetering on the edge of still being drunk and hungover 12 hours after I finished splurging. Anyways. I, too, did not see Spencer’s blackout coming. It was all a shock to me. Has she suddenly had an epiphany of love so strong that she’s been knocked out cold? Or is she somehow linked through an intergallactic vortex/wormhole to various other Spencer’s from other stories who at that very moment were getting elbowed in the face, having a vicious attack of appendicitis (Circles by you), AND getting accidentally runover by Ashley (Memories by Caseygurl)?!?! Damn. Poor Spence has it rough! I think all the various intergallactic Ashley dopplegangers need to cheer her up PRONTO! And not just with teddy bears, dammit. With looooooove. See? Told you I was still out of it.

    21. i am so sick right now, i think i took me day to read this. but i love it. love elly and her stuffed animal, i love her in general. such a smart little 4 yr old. and ashley shes so laid back but you know she’s dying for spencer. and spencer frantic as ever. i just love this story, everything about it. i could just sit here for ever and reread it all over and over thats how much i love it. but alas i need to be working on another chapter of my story, but im taking a shower first. mhm. anyways thanks for posting while on holiday :]

    22. i am so sick right now, i think i took me day to read this. but i love it. love elly and her stuffed animal, i love her in general. such a smart little 4 yr old. and ashley shes so laid back but you know she’s dying for spencer. and spencer frantic as ever. i just love this story, everything about it. i could just sit here for ever and reread it all over and over thats how much i love it. but alas i need to be working on another chapter of my story, but im taking a shower first. mhm. anyways thanks for posting while on holiday :]

    23. VERY GOOD UPDATE!!!! Even though, you left us hanging to find out what Ashley is going to say to Spencer!!!! That’s okay, because I know that the next chapter will be great and I can’t wait to see it!!!! PMS and Take care!!!!

    24. VERY GOOD UPDATE!!!! Even though, you left us hanging to find out what Ashley is going to say to Spencer!!!! That’s okay, because I know that the next chapter will be great and I can’t wait to see it!!!! PMS and Take care!!!!

    25. i could definitely feel your fondness for mr. ruffles in the story, it came through loud and clear. i’m glad to hear that he’s making such an impact on the forums as well. but i really think you and goober should take your ‘show’ on the road. especially since she has all the right questions regarding mr. ruffles. goober…if that post is you drunk, i’m afraid to think of how fast your mind works while you are sober. lucky for us you are too busy reading fanfic to focus your energy on taking over the world. here i am rambling about goober on clomle’s fic…sorry. guess i’ll do anything to avoid mopping the floor! what’s the chance of more holiday updates? yes, i’m greedy.

    26. i could definitely feel your fondness for mr. ruffles in the story, it came through loud and clear. i’m glad to hear that he’s making such an impact on the forums as well. but i really think you and goober should take your ‘show’ on the road. especially since she has all the right questions regarding mr. ruffles. goober…if that post is you drunk, i’m afraid to think of how fast your mind works while you are sober. lucky for us you are too busy reading fanfic to focus your energy on taking over the world. here i am rambling about goober on clomle’s fic…sorry. guess i’ll do anything to avoid mopping the floor! what’s the chance of more holiday updates? yes, i’m greedy.

    27. Oh, yes. There have been many a moment when I contemplated how easy it would be snatch up the world, nay!, GALAXY into my infernal clutches. But then I remember that I’m neither infernal nor equipped with clutches, so my plans go straight to hell in a handbasket. And I’m cursed with too much laziness and too strong a taste for beer. Oh, the sad life I live. :( I’m a goin’ to check out your Mr. Ruffles convo now and see what’s up…

    28. Oh, yes. There have been many a moment when I contemplated how easy it would be snatch up the world, nay!, GALAXY into my infernal clutches. But then I remember that I’m neither infernal nor equipped with clutches, so my plans go straight to hell in a handbasket. And I’m cursed with too much laziness and too strong a taste for beer. Oh, the sad life I live. :( I’m a goin’ to check out your Mr. Ruffles convo now and see what’s up…

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