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    Birthday Surprise – (Chapter: Part 1 of 2: A Private Show)

    “Ash cmon it’s her BIRTHDAY” Aiden whined like a cookie-less Girl Scout.

    I looked over at my best friend and saw her deep brown disappointed eyes staring back.

    I couldn’t bear it, I had to reprieve her. “You guys, really, it’s fine. Ashley if you have to work you have to work. So my 18th birthday fell on a lame Thursday, it’s not your fault, you can take me out this weekend right?” I offered hopefully.

    She visibly brightened and nodded as the bell ending lunch rang. As our friends disappeared to class she came up to me still looking slightly bummed.

    “Spencer you know I wanna be there for your birthday right?” she pleaded for me to believe her.

    “Yeah, Ash, I know. I just wish you would tell one of us where the hell you waited tables so we could actually come visit you at work for once. We could come tonight!” I teased.

    A look of fake horror hit her face “hell to the no biatch! No one, not even my own sister, gets to see yours truly being courteous and taking orders from strangers!”

    I chuckled, I never thought Ashley would make that good of a waitress but when she found out the money she inherited was in a trust that she couldn’t access until she was 21 she had to do what she had to do.  Someone had to maintain her mother’s lavish lifestyle and although I’ve told her countless times it should be her mother, she brushes me off. ‘A lot of celebrities get their big break waiting tables, I’d rather get mine that way than because of my surname’ she insisted.

    “I don’t get off til way late tonight but tomorrow night I don’t work, somehow by the grace of God, or actually by the grace of my infamous charm, I got a Friday night off, so it’ll be just me and you ok?”

    Her widening smile is infectious and a goofy grin stretched across my face, “sounds good Ash”. 

    As much as I wanted her there with me on my birthday, I would never dream of passing up a night of one on one Spencer/Ashley time. My mind drifted to our sleep over two weekends ago and how sleeping in the same bed as her has become more and more difficult lately. She would shift in bed and her arm would brush up against mine and all of a sudden I was too hot to be under the blankets. My brain would focus on the steady in and out of her breathing and it’s all I could hear in the quiet room. I had to stop coming over on school nights because I wouldn’t sleep but maybe 2 hours the whole night. Spending time with her like that, alone together, after the playful joking around has stopped, has become some sort of delicious discomfort that I hate but can’t get enough of. It’s getting annoying but I’m pretty sure a lot of girls have this minor fixation thing with their best friend; girls just get close to each other like that, right?

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    1. it was kinda weird cuz today this girl i know turned 18, but she’s only buying a lotto ticket. maybe. but, oh wow that was good. i can’t wait for pt. 2 to see what spencer does. oh, and btw, dont be absurd! this was really good, of course we wanna see a part 2! haha.

    2. you should definitly continue that sucks that neither got off but than again ashley just realized who she was ‘dancing’ for and spencer now knows it was ashley, wonder how the next part will go

    3. oh my my maya :) god yes! post more SOON! this story ROCKS! awesome description/details of the whole lap dance scene- i could so see it! i just HAVE to know what happens next! :)

    4. holy hell if that didn’t remind me of my first lap dance! and it was on my birthday too! awesome job, I’m gonna read part 2 in a bit, but I loved this! fucking hot hot hot!

    5. Damn! I should have gone to a strip club for my 18th birthday. Haha. Just kidding. Anyway. That was amazing and I can’t wait for part II.

    6. excuse me while i pick my jaw up off the know how you watch movies and you yell at the people on screen cause they’re oblivious to whats going on??..throughout the whole strip club scene i’m reading and shouting (in my head) the whole time “ASHLEY IS A STRIPPER! OMG ASHLEY IS THERE! SPENCER IT’S ASHLEY!”..hahahaha..and i just about flipped at the ending and then remembered it’s only part 1…sooo with that said..the 2nd part needs to go up now..that was totally hot..LOVE it..

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