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    Bliss (I Don’t Wanna Know)

              “Have you talked to your mom about the other night yet?” Ashley asked.

                “No,” Spencer said playing with the hem of her shirt. “She hasn’t even looked at me since she threw you out.”

                “I’m sorry,” Ashley said. “Is there anything I can do?”

                “No,” Spencer said softly. “Mom’s home. I have to go.”

                “Call me later?” Ashley asked.

                “I’ll try but I can’t promise anything,” Spencer said. “Bye.”

                Ashley sat there holding the phone to her ear after Spencer hung up. She slowly brought her phone down and closed it. She wiped away the tear that escaped her eye.

    (I don’t wanna know)
    (I don’t wanna know)
    (I don’t wanna know)
    (I don’t wanna know)
    I’ll go ahead and pour myself a drink
    I really couldn’t care less what you think
    Well I don’t have to listen now
    Live this day down
    If I can’t feel a thing
    You might as well save your goodbyes
    We can give this train wreck one last ride
    I’m gonna have to listen now
    Live this day down
    If I don’t make things right
    I’ll tell you one last time

                Ashley got up and wandered the house. “Where does mom stash the good stuff?” she asked herself. She walked down to the kitchen. She looked in the cupboards and everywhere she could think. “Bingo.” She climbed on top of a chair and found at least six bottles of vodka. She grabbed a couple and made her way up to her room. She turned on some music and sat on her couch with her first bottle.

                “Hello, my friend,” she said smiling. She opened the bottle and took a long swig. Before she knew it, half the bottle was gone. She grabbed her phone and dialed Aiden’s number.

                “Hey Ash,” Aiden said.

                “Aiden!” Ashley said. “Have I told you how much I love you lately?”

                “Umm,” Aiden said, “no. Ashley, are you drinking?”

                “No,” Ashley lied. “Well, yes but I’m not drinking a lot.”

                “How much have you had?” Aiden asked.

                “Not a lot,” Ashley said slurring her words a little.

                “Don’t lie,” Aiden said. “How much have you had?”

                “Just half a bottle,” Ashley slurred.

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    1. okay, so i know this was posted a long time ago, and i didnt post then, but i wanted to tell u… that i have been looking for this story for the past 3 weeks… thats a LONG time to look for a story so u can read it over a gain… but that shows how good of a writer u r… how u do more hinder… ur good at his song fics.

    2. okay, so i know this was posted a long time ago, and i didnt post then, but i wanted to tell u… that i have been looking for this story for the past 3 weeks… thats a LONG time to look for a story so u can read it over a gain… but that shows how good of a writer u r… how u do more hinder… ur good at his song fics.

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