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    Block Out

    Block Out

    I’m sat in the waiting room of a private doctor’s practice. I’m nervous as hell, but not nearly as nervous as the un-naturally pale brunette seated next to me. The posters advertising safe sex and ‘knowing’ your limits are starting down at me, the way they are plastered to every wall in this sterile place makes it feel as though they are boxing me in. And the strangest thing is I’m not the one with the problem.

    “Davies the doctor will see you now” A stumpy woman in a crystal white uniform called out from over her clip-board.

    My very best friend, Ashley Davies, sits in fear by my side, clutching my hand for dear life. What I wouldn’t do just to click my fingers and have all her fears and problems just disappear like a bad dream, but as the world goes we must each pay for our mistakes; some more costly than others.

    Together we stand up and follow the nurse down the blank cream walls. Looking at Ashley now I can easily remember the night Ashley came through my bedroom door. Her face full of regret and fear much like the one she’s wearing now. That is a night I doubt I’ll ever forget…


    It was a typically Friday night in L.A. everyone from my junior class at King High have gone off to some party, it’s actually THE party of the year. To me it’s just another house party thrown by the most popular senior of that time.

    Ashley was all hyped up and ready for this party, she tried persuading me to attend, but I was having none of it. I mean why should I bother getting all dressed up and go to a party where all that happens is the desperate students of King High try to score with people out of there league.

    I did try and sway Ashley into staying with me and having a movie night, but she had no intention of missing this shot at popularity. So yeah Ashley went off to the party; not alone though, no, no what sort of friend would I be if I let her go off and get drunk with an escort. And as much as I regret it now, I sent Aiden Dennison along.

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