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    Bringing it Home – (Chapter: 45 Moving on Together)

    Previously on Bringing it Home

    ‘Raife Davies was your dad?’ I finally understood what she had been talking about, she looked at me like I was insane.


    ‘Spence!’ Austin yelled and jumped to her feet, startling Annie, ‘how could you NOT know that?’ The other girls were nodding or looking at me in amazement.


    Spencer was looking mortified and the others were ranging between shocked and guilty. Austin was looking extremely guilty.

    ‘Spence, I’m sorry,’ Austin chose that moment to speak up, ‘I never mentioned it in the beginning as I didn’t want it to effect your judgement. I wanted you to make your own decisions.’ Spencer was now focused on her best friend, a small confused frown marring her features.

    ‘Why? Why would it matter?’ She questioned her friend, tilting her head in the way only she did.

    ‘I…’ Austin sighed, ‘I think I was trying to protect Ashley,’ she paused and threw a quick, apologetic look my way. ‘I didn’t know you as well, back then,’ she explained slowly. ‘I know we were good friends but I guess I thought that who she was might influence you,’ she paused, her beautiful face wrinkled in consternation, ‘and that you might be more interested in her because of it.’ Austin chanced a look at Spencer, she was focused on her friends words, her hand was in mine as she gently stroked the back with her thumb.

    ‘And then I didn’t tell you because you might have been less interested,’ another pause, ‘and I didn’t want you to hurt Ashley,’ she confessed, flashing a worried look at me. I was too caught up in my own emotions to respond, god this was so mixed up. Then it hit me.


    I took a minute to think through Austin’s words, they kinda made sense but it didn’t help me right now, I still felt like a total loser girlfriend, if only I’d have known I would have been able to…. to handle things better…maybe?

    ‘Sorry Spence,’ Austin repeated and then the room fell silent.

    For the first time since the conversation began I turned my full attention to Ashley. She was deathly pale and I could tell she had withdrawn into herself, her eyes were down and she was starting to fidget with the hem of her beater, a nervous habit she had.

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    1. when i came here and saw that this story had been updated i was in shock but in the most happiest way. great update and look forward to more! i love this story and love to reread it it’ll be much easier to do so at easier format i think for stories.

    2. *krish8708 – I promise the drama hasn’t even begun yet, let’s let them have a little happy, smutty time first huh? :POW94 – I’m under littledragonflyson, don’t think I can post links here I’m afraid. Any problems pm me.

    3. uhm.. hi my girlfriend recommend me to this site not to long ago. and i was EXTREMLY happy when i saw you post. i LOVE your story its one of my faves. your a really awesome writer and im glad your back and hope to read more of your smutty-dramaliciousness very SOON! PMS pretty pwease becuz me addicted (:

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