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    Catch Me, I'm Falling – (Chapter: Chapter One)

    Chapter One

    “Ashley Davies cheats on wife with an unknown actress.”


    “Spencer Davies, wife of rock sensation Ashley Davies, says she’s had enough.”

    Ashley studied the blonde woman sat beside her with narrowed eyes. “Is that true, Angel? You’ve had enough?” She raised a speculative eyebrow.

    Spencer gave her a patronizing look. “Ashley, if the papers say so, it’s clearly true.”

    The rocker hummed with a slow nod. “And what exactly have you had enough of?” She asked, crossing her arms as she leaned forward in her chair.

    “Well,” the blonde mimicked her wife’s actions. “If you don’t know what it is I’ve had enough of, obviously, we’re not meant to be.” She shrugged.

    Ashley snorted. “Is that so?”

    “Yes. See, if we were meant to be, you would’ve already known something was wrong without me having to tell you.” She argued, tilting her head slightly.

    “Am I supposed to be a mind reader now?”

    A lazy grin adorned the blonde’s face. “No, but according to you, and I quote, ‘we’re soul mates’. By definition we’re supposed to harbor a deep knowledge of each other. That includes feelings, thoughts, emotions, the whole nine yards.”

    Ashley pursed her lips as her mind raced for a reply. Coming up with nothing, she sighed in defeat, pouting at her loss. “You’re getting way too good at this.” She murmured playfully.

    Spencer smiled and shrugged. “Blame it on my wild imagination.”

    “Whatever.” The rocker chuckled, turning back to Eric who sat with stacks of magazines and newspapers splayed on Ashley’s desk. “Please, continue.” She instructed.

    The driver picked out another magazine. “Ooh, here’s a good one. Spencer Davies spotted leaving a hotel with a woman. What does this mean for her marriage?

    Spencer rolled her eyes. Clearly, these tabloids couldn’t come up with anything original… or true for that matter. “Really? Where’s their evidence?” She replied rolling her eyes.

    “It says there’s pictures included.”

    The blonde literally gasped at that. “What!” She reached over the desk and snatched the booklet out of his hands. “This I’ve got to see… are you kidding me?”

    “Who are you sleeping with this time?” Ashley asked bemused.

    Spencer held up the magazine. “My sister-in-law.”


    “Spence-a-nator! You dog.” Eric laughed, clutching his stomach.

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    1. couple things.WOOOOOO your back yess!! lol second. im glad i decided to come here and see what was going on :) i loved all your stories. and thirdly. do you write on anyother site? if you do put a link in your nxt authors note please! :D

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