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    She felt something land against her foot. She looked up from the book she was reading and noticed a small blue ball land against her foot, it was only slightly bigger than a tennis ball. She smiled warmly as a little boy of 3 or 4 came staggering towards her, searching for the ball. Spencer leant down and picked it up and waited for the boy to come to her.

    “Here you go little man” 

    The young boy shyly took the ball from Spencer’s hand.

    “Say thankyou to the nice lady Justin” She heard the deep voice of a man and saw a swoosh of red as he reached down and scooped up the young boy.

    “Tank you, nice lady”

    Spencer looked up and smiled brightly at the young toddler. “You’re very welcome”. Then she noticed the man who was holding the toddler. His rugged features and dark eyes could never be forgotten by Spencer

    “Aiden” she squealed as she stood up from the park bench.

    “Spencer!” he gasped, “I didn’t realise it was you”. He lunged forward and hugged her with his free arm, “it’s so great to see you”

    Spencer was still smiling, this was a shock, she had missed Aiden over the years. “You’re a father” she gushed at him.

    He smiled sheepishly “Yeah I am. This is Justin. Justin say hi to daddy’s friend Spencer.”

    “Hi Pencer” the young boy gabbled

    “His beautiful Aiden” Spencer wasn’t lying either. This wasn’t the forced compliment you had to give to parents. Justin’s resemblance to Aiden was strong, right down to his dark hair and puppy dog eyes.

    “Yeah, when he’s sleeping” Aiden gasped as the toddler swung around in his arms, trying to see behind his father. Spencer watched gleefully as Aiden tried desperately to control his wriggling son.

    She was really quite amazed at the resemblance of the two, but there was also something else familiar about the boys features, someone else she recognised in the boys face. But who?

    “Mummy!” the boy shrieked out across Aiden’s back. She saw Aiden give her a nervous glance, and then he looked down at the ground, pretending to be interested in his untied shoelace. But why, Spencer thought?

    “Hey my baby boy” a women called from behind Aiden, laughing at the still struggling infant.

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