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    Spencer hugged her hoodie to her body tighter as a chilled breeze swept past her. She was here at the beach, standing about 30 metres to the left of where she parked her car. Spencer stood on the flat of a small hill, in front of her was a worn path of about 20 meters through the grass which led down to the sand another hundred or so metres in front of her was the ocean. Spencer pulled out the phone that she had shoved in her pocket before exiting the car, she looked down and 9:25 glowed up at her. She had sat in her car for 5 minutes tapping on her steering wheel, staring in the direction of the path trying to compose herself for what was about to happen and now had been standing at the top of the path for 5 minutes re-evaluating her decision to come in the first place. She was 25 minutes late, Ashley wouldn’t wait that long for her, Spencer thought to herself. Spencer looked up and out across the deserted beach, the full moon reflected in the dark expanse, that was the ocean. Further to the left, about five hundred metres, there was a huge cliff face, which marked the end of this particular beach. At the bottom, there were a cluster of rocks, some ragged and some smoothed by the crashing waves at the cliff’s bottom.

    Not many people came this far up the beach, it was always quiet and isolated and this was Spencer’s and Ashley’s spot.

    Spencer took a deep breath and let it out slowly and began the climb down the small incline of the hill. Her left foot sank a little as it came in contact with the sand. Spencer trudged on, thankful that there was enough light from the full moon to guide her way. A few minutes later, she stopped and turned to face the ocean again. Her gaze sweeping from right to left until it stopped on a small dark figure sitting just before the dry sand turned wet. She pushed her hands into the pockets of her hoodie and walked towards the dark figure. As Spencer got closer, she noticed that head and arms were resting on raised knees. Here goes nothing Spencer thought as she sat down next to the huddled figure.

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    1. Ok now I’m sad because I want to know more and this is the last post for now. Great job going to go watch the season 2 finale now. I’l have to transport myself back in time, ha ha.

    2. I feel so sorry for Spencer. The whole Ashley/Aiden/Justin thing would freak me out and make me feel insecure if I were her. And they’re still married and live together! RUN Spencer!!! RUN!! Because that’s a whole lot of baby mama drama. i really wanna throw a rock at Aiden. And its one thing to look at Aiden, but now there’s a Aiden mini-me? I almost wanna throw a rock at….never mind. And I’d be wrong for hating him, huh? And after seeing the season finale, Ashely sleeping with Aiden 3 days later makes me sick. What’s a girl to do? I really don’t think Spencer should jump into bed with Ashley. Although, I wanted to scream in frustration when she stopped Ashley. I could tell they would’ve had hot sex. Too bad Ashley stopped. When Spencer said she has a gf Ashley should’ve said “So, I’m married”! PMS

    3. Ok now I’m sad because I want to know more and this is the last post for now. Great job going to go watch the season 2 finale now. I’l have to transport myself back in time, ha ha.

    4. I feel so sorry for Spencer. The whole Ashley/Aiden/Justin thing would freak me out and make me feel insecure if I were her. And they’re still married and live together! RUN Spencer!!! RUN!! Because that’s a whole lot of baby mama drama. i really wanna throw a rock at Aiden. And its one thing to look at Aiden, but now there’s a Aiden mini-me? I almost wanna throw a rock at….never mind. And I’d be wrong for hating him, huh? And after seeing the season finale, Ashely sleeping with Aiden 3 days later makes me sick. What’s a girl to do? I really don’t think Spencer should jump into bed with Ashley. Although, I wanted to scream in frustration when she stopped Ashley. I could tell they would’ve had hot sex. Too bad Ashley stopped. When Spencer said she has a gf Ashley should’ve said “So, I’m married”! PMS

    5. wow i didnt see that coming and you usually see most things that are coming! i totally agree with carlymarie82 about the whole ‘so im married’ thing, that cracked me up!!! cnt wait for the next update

    6. wow i didnt see that coming and you usually see most things that are coming! i totally agree with carlymarie82 about the whole ‘so im married’ thing, that cracked me up!!! cnt wait for the next update

    7. I love this story! I read it a couple of months ago and then you stop posting. So I came and looked for it today and you still haven’t posted a new chapter! Jump on it!!! PMS!

    8. I love this story! I read it a couple of months ago and then you stop posting. So I came and looked for it today and you still haven’t posted a new chapter! Jump on it!!! PMS!

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