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    Chances – (Chapter: Forgiveness)

    Silence filled the room as Spencer and I watch the unmoving bodies. Slowly Cesar stands, blood stained to the front of his white t-shirt. I look down at Carmen’s still body, hoping she’ll get up. Cesar stares down at his cousin for a few moments before turning and pointing a finger at me.

    “This is your fault! You filled her mind with this garbage. My cousin is dead because of you!” He flips his knife open and cuts the rope around my wrists. “Now your gunna pay.”

    He pulls me to him and presses the knife against my throat. Panic sets in as I feel the sharp metal slightly break the skin. I do the only thing I can think of and elbow him hard in the stomach then throw my head back, satisfied with the loud crack I hear.

    Cesar falls back with a loud yelp and holds his nose. I see blood drip down and smile knowing it broke. I take this chance to swing my leg in a roundhouse kick that connects with his chest. He groans and falls back with a loud thump.

    “Didn’t think I knew how to fight, did ya?” He stands with a smirk and pulls out a glock. How many guns does this guy have?

    Christine’s POV

    “You are sure they’re going to be in THIS beaten up motel?” I take a sharp left skidding to a stop in front of the main office.

    “I have a feeling,” is my simple answer as I walk toward the building.

    “Just like Gibbs. If you ask me this is like shooting fish in a pond.”

    “It’s barrel Ziva.”

    “Why would a fish be in a barrel?” I roll my eyes at their banter.


    “Yes boss.” I open the door and approach the front desk.

    “Special agent Davies,” I flip the balding man my badge. “I need to ask you a few questions.”

    “What can I do ya for ma’am?”

    “I’m looking for a young Hispanic girl around 17 that checked into this motel within the last few weeks.” He looks around bored than looks back to me.

    “Gunna need a little more than that.” I narrow my eyes and grit my teeth.

    “Maybe this will jog your memory.” Ziva pushes the man against the wall and twists his arm. “Do you remember now or do you need more help? You can’t have many customers except maybe the occasional prostitute.”

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