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    Changes – (Chapter: 12)

    “Welcome back to Elimidate!”


    “The All-New Ronco Juicer now comes with a FREE paring knife!”


    “Previously, on the Real World…”




    Ashley sighed and drained the last of her beer. This wasn’t how she’d anticipated spending her evening.

    "Next on E! News… Britney & K-Fed. What went wrong?"


    She smiled in satisfaction as the remote control bounced off of Britney’s shiny face and inadvertently turned off the TV.

    Laying back on the couch, she folded her hands behind her head and just enjoyed the quiet. The serene sounds of a house settling down for the night. The soothing noise of the Grandfather clock chiming from out in the hall.

    Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

    Ashley drummed her fingers on her stomach. All this peace and quiet could drive a person crazy.

    What was Spencer doing right now? She pondered, subconsciously rubbing her fingers down her stomach to the waistband of her jeans. Spencer driven her crazy tonight. Toyed with her in that way that only she could… subtle glances, small caressing touches at the back of her neck on the drive home, her little pink tongue darting out to wet her pouty lips-

    Ashley looked down in dismay to see that she was stroking herself through her panties. She sat up abruptly and ran her fingers through her hair in agitation. She hadn’t masturbated this much since high school! Christ, what Spencer did to her. Ashley couldn’t stop thinking about her.

    Lighting up a cigarette, she sat back and pondered her situation.

    Spencer wanted her, she knew it. When they’d gotten to the house, she’d expected to be led up to Spencer’s room and finally put out of her misery. Instead, she’d completely surprised her by heading up to bed… ALONE. Ashley rolled her eyes in frustration. What did it take?!

    Getting to her feet, she began to pace the living room.

    She was turning into the worst sort of pussy-whipped loser. She’d never been like this with Kristen. Hell, she’d never been like this with anyone! Following Spencer around like a love-sick puppy… this wasn’t like her at all. She should just go up there and drag Spencer into her bed, and fuck her until neither of them could walk.

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    1. kristennnn you’re a BITCH and i’m gonna fucking BEATCHA ASS! ughhh. i KNEW it…i effing knew kristen was gonna scrwe it up with ash and spencer. fiancee…bitch is delusional. to say the least. if i remember correctly, they broke up..but ash invited her anyways cuz she didnt have anyone else to go with. ughhh. write me in, i’ll put out a hit on kristen hehehe. great update!

    2. NO! No! No! No! why everytime they have the perfect opportunity to be happy and to work and talk things out they get screwed over in one way or another and not in the good kinda screwed

    3. kristennnn you’re a BITCH and i’m gonna fucking BEATCHA ASS! ughhh. i KNEW it…i effing knew kristen was gonna scrwe it up with ash and spencer. fiancee…bitch is delusional. to say the least. if i remember correctly, they broke up..but ash invited her anyways cuz she didnt have anyone else to go with. ughhh. write me in, i’ll put out a hit on kristen hehehe. great update!

    4. NO! No! No! No! why everytime they have the perfect opportunity to be happy and to work and talk things out they get screwed over in one way or another and not in the good kinda screwed

    5. Aw man Kristen a lil bitch…psh fiancee my ass..dat gurl needa get a reality check..Spencer should so go beat her ass..well afta she puts sum fightin clothes on. nice update tho..cant wait fo tha next one

    6. Aw man Kristen a lil bitch…psh fiancee my ass..dat gurl needa get a reality check..Spencer should so go beat her ass..well afta she puts sum fightin clothes on. nice update tho..cant wait fo tha next one

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