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    Changes – (Chapter: 4)

    "I don’t know what’s wrong with me!" Spencer wailed into her non-fat soy latte.

    Chelsea smiled indulgently. "Spencer, you’ve been in love with the girl for YEARS. You’re naturally upset by Becca and Nicole’s grabby antics."

    Spencer pouted. "I know. But WHY?! She’s so rude and arrogant and annoying… and sexy and perfect and still completely oblivious to the fact that I exist. Why can’t I just let go of this whole thing? It’s driving me nuts! I mean, I have a great girl… Megan’s terrific."

    Chelsea raised an eyebrow.

    "OK, OK… so she’s not such a great conversationalist. Maybe she DOES think that Moby Dick is the title of a porno. And her kissing leaves much to be desired… God, the other day it felt like I was in the movie Jaws. I mean, could her mouth get any wider?!" Spencer asked, laughing.

    Chelsea grinned. "Spencer, if you think that Ashley wasn’t noticing you, you’re blind. The way she looked at you while we were talking was so full of… pent-up sexual desire! She was like, ‘I’m going to throw you on a table and have my naughty way with you!’"

    Spencer looked shocked. "Chelsea!"

    "I know, I know… Clay has been out of town now with the band for two weeks and I’m kinda getting a little sexually frustrated." Chelsea explained with a shrug.

    Spencer smiled at her friend. Chelsea was the one person she trusted implicitly. They’d grown up together. Even though Chelsea had gone on to be popular in high school, she’d always made time to hang out with her. She’d also been pretty involved in Spencer’s new college transformation, from geek to chic. She was so grateful to have at least one friend she could talk to about this situation.

    Spencer sighed.

    "Spencer…" Chelsea started. "I know that Megan is beautiful and rich and popular, but that doesn’t necessarily mean she’s the one for you. You don’t seem happy. And it’s obvious to everyone around you that you’d rather be off pursuing other brunette matters. Why don’t you just call it quits?"

    Spencer fiddled with her straw. "I don’t know, Chels. I just feel so young and horribly pretentious when it comes to this situation with Ashley. It’s like, when she walks in the room, I lose all control over myself. I turn back into the giggling, nervous fifteen-year-old that used to make moon eyes at her and write in my journal all day. With Megan it’s not like that. I feel in control. I feel like…" She trailed off.

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    1. No, Megan DIDN’T punch Ashley! She’s got a lot of nerve. I was so excited you updated again and such a lengthy update at that. Love it! At least now Spencer and Ashley can’t deny their attraction for one another. PMS!

    2. OK. I just registered for this site cos I had to leave feedback for this story. It’s fucking amazing, and I’m really excited to see where it goes, and how it goes. Keep writing, please, you’ve got talent.

    3. oh you’ve GOT to be kidding me! megan you stupid whore. ugh. put me in the story and let me kick her ass! haha cmon! it’d be sweet! stupid jerk deserves to get her ass handed to her after how she treats spencer. ugh. AMAAAAZING update! i’m in love with this story. no joke.

    4. No, Megan DIDN’T punch Ashley! She’s got a lot of nerve. I was so excited you updated again and such a lengthy update at that. Love it! At least now Spencer and Ashley can’t deny their attraction for one another. PMS!

    5. OK. I just registered for this site cos I had to leave feedback for this story. It’s fucking amazing, and I’m really excited to see where it goes, and how it goes. Keep writing, please, you’ve got talent.

    6. oh you’ve GOT to be kidding me! megan you stupid whore. ugh. put me in the story and let me kick her ass! haha cmon! it’d be sweet! stupid jerk deserves to get her ass handed to her after how she treats spencer. ugh. AMAAAAZING update! i’m in love with this story. no joke.

    7. “Then, you wouldn’t let me get that drag guy who impersonates Cher to sing for the reception!”haha i love Kyla!!!!!Megan is such a bitch! Ash will totally kick her ass

    8. “Then, you wouldn’t let me get that drag guy who impersonates Cher to sing for the reception!”haha i love Kyla!!!!!Megan is such a bitch! Ash will totally kick her ass

    9. ah man! I didn’t see that you’d updated like 4 more times! I feel guilty and ashamed – forgive me?! it’s awesome… actually kinda cool to read so many in one go cos it’s certainly moved on quite a bit! Shame Spencer and Ashley couldn’t have taken the party back home with them ;-) can imagine Kyla’s reaction! more soon? please? oh go on! oh, and Spencer needs to get over herself – just cos she’s a cheerleader doesn’t mean she has to act/think like one! Jx

    10. ah man! I didn’t see that you’d updated like 4 more times! I feel guilty and ashamed – forgive me?! it’s awesome… actually kinda cool to read so many in one go cos it’s certainly moved on quite a bit! Shame Spencer and Ashley couldn’t have taken the party back home with them ;-) can imagine Kyla’s reaction! more soon? please? oh go on! oh, and Spencer needs to get over herself – just cos she’s a cheerleader doesn’t mean she has to act/think like one! Jx

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