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    Changes – (Chapter: 6)

    "It’s OVER, you bitch!" Spencer pulled herself abruptly out of Megan’s grasp, then decked her.

    She fell like a ton of bricks.

    "You fucking bitch! I think you broke my nose!" Megan howled, writhing on the ground in pain.

    Spencer kicked her in the ribs for good measure. "Good, you goddamn asshole! No one cheats on ME! I don’t want to EVER see your face around again!"

    She turned and hurried off the field, searching for Ashley.

    Ashley reached the parking lot and looked for her car. She’d had the car in high school, a classic, really. Ashley couldn’t bear to sell it when she’d left, so Kyla been nice enough to keep it for her. Even the thought of driving her car couldn’t make her happy tonight, however. Sh just wanted to get out of here, find a bar, get plastered. Let Spencer find her own way home tonight She was tired of being yanked around by women.

    Spotting the GTO near the end of the lot, Ashley walked up to it. She squinted her eyes, noticing that someone was sitting on the hood. Her heart started beating faster. Spencer.

    Sauntering closer, she realized this girl wasn’t Spencer after all. It was that dark-haired chick from the other night. One of Spencer’s cheerleading pals. Nicole or something.

    "Hiya gorgeous." Nicole crooned, squeezing her arms to her sides to press her chest together. The girl had some magnificent cleavage.

    "Yeah. What are you doing here?" Ashley questioned, taking out a cigarette.

    Nicole pouted. "I just wanted to talk to you. See if you wanted to hang out. It looked like you were alone for the night, what with Spencer being otherwise… preoccupied…" She trailed off, fluttering her eyelashes innocently.

    Ashley lit up and sighed in annoyance. "And what makes you think I care one little bit about what Spencer’s doing tonight?"

    Nicole smiled nastily. "What or WHOM?" She dropped down off the front of the car and straightened her skirt over her thighs. "I know for a fact that she and Megan are headed over to that big party at Rebecca Locke’s house tonight."

    Ashley growled.

    Nicole chuckled. "No need to get upset, beautiful." She sidled over to her, taking the cigarette from between Ashley’s lax fingers. She took a long drag and turned to look at Ashley once more. "Turns out I’m dateless for the night. Didn’t know if you might wanna head over to the party with me. I’m a guaranteed good time."

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    1. HOT DAMN! that was AMAZING!! holy crap. why didnt spencer want to talk about it? for crying out loud woman! you just had your first time, with the girl you’ve wanted since FOREVER and you run away?! WHAT?! crazy girl. AAAMAZING update!!

    2. I can’t wait for Ash to tell Kyla. “Yeah uh, I kind of took your sisters virginity when I was super drunk at a college party”. Thats a fun talk to have.

    3. HOT DAMN! that was AMAZING!! holy crap. why didnt spencer want to talk about it? for crying out loud woman! you just had your first time, with the girl you’ve wanted since FOREVER and you run away?! WHAT?! crazy girl. AAAMAZING update!!

    4. I can’t wait for Ash to tell Kyla. “Yeah uh, I kind of took your sisters virginity when I was super drunk at a college party”. Thats a fun talk to have.

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