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    Changing For the Better – (Chapter: Fights Are Usually Only Fun When You Win)

    It took less than a second to decide, and in the time frame I watched her face convey a million different emotions, hope, doubt, desire, beauty, pain, happiness. But the truth is she really had nothing to doubt.

    “Yes,” I whispered so softly I’d hoped she had even heard me, but the way her face lit up told me she had. Taking my hand she was still playing with, she placed it over her heart.

    “You have my heart Spencer Carlin. Please don‘t break it,” she stated never once dropping her gaze from my eyes.

    “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” I replied shivering slightly from the sight of her in the moonlight. Her hair swayed gently with the breeze. Her skin looked flawless, brown orbs locked with blue. Her thumb rubbed the back of my hand, never once letting go. I watched her unconsciously lick her lips. Unable to hold back anymore, I crashed my lips into her, desperately sucking on her bottom lip. Everything seemed to be a blur it was happening so fast. Quickly moving, but careful not to break contact, I tried to deepen the kiss. She whimpered from the feeling of my tongue graze her lip. My hands moved instinctively to her back, rubbing circles against the fabric. Her trembling fingers were tangled deep in my hair, trying to pull me even closer than humanely possible.

    “I love you Spencer,” she said taking a much needed breath.

    “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” I stated truthfully unable to look away. After a moment of silence she exhaled loudly.

    “Come on.” She stood up much to my reluctance. “As much as I hate to say it, we better go get Kyla.”

    “I know,” I sighed letting her help me up. Walking back to the car seemed different. Not that the moment had changed, no it was more like ,if it was possible, my life seemed to change. I’ve been convinced since the day my mother left that God hates me. But him giving me Ashley proves otherwise. It proves I might just get my second chance after all.

    Ashley’s hand bumped into mine for the second time. Taking this as a cue, I reached out and took her hand in mine. Although the sunset was long gone, the moment was perfect.

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