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    Changing For the Better – (Chapter: First Day of School)

    Changing for the Better

    It was the start of the new school year, my junior year. This was bound to be just like any other year, except this year I would be attending a school in King High. I came to a new school looking for a new routine, to get away from people, or maybe… just for another chance. I hoped this school was far away enough to have potential. To everybody here I might as well just be another new kid right? Walking down the sidewalk to the entrance of the school I looked down to mentally asses what I was wearing. Here I sat in my white wife beater, my favorite wrist band, a pair of blue jeans, and my DC‘s. Reaching our for the cold, gray door handle, it was now or never. I took a deep breath, threw my bag over my shoulder, and I busted through the double doors looked around and realized there’s no way I’m ever going to be able to find my way around this place. Compared to the school in Ohio this place was a mansion. I was lost in a sea of faces, great. A thousand thoughts were going off in my head. They were all speeding around making me light headed and perplexed. The most sensible thing would have been to ask someone where to find my first class, but at the moment, common sense was not going to be happening. I started walking faster trying not to look conspicuous and decided to abruptly swing myself around until…

    “Ouch, you heard of watching where you’re going?” angrily asked a kind of preppy looking brunette now lying on the floor.

    “I’m so sorry,” I apologized, “I just have no clue where I am, and I’m lost, and I’m confused, and I’m embarrassed, and I’m rambling.” This is great she probably thinks I’m a complete loser. This is a great way to start off. So much for this school having any potential. She’s probably popular and I just ruined my reputation already. She’ll tell all of her evil minions that I’m the loser who takes people out, because I have anger management problems. Wait…why am I being so self-conscious? Why do I care so much about what she thinks? Maybe, because you want to make friends, and not be a total outcast. Shut up Spencer normal people do not have arguments with themselves.

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