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    Changing For the Better – (Chapter: Girls who needs them? Well I Do)

    I swear I felt like a lost puppy sometimes. Everywhere Ashley went, I felt like I just followed her looking confused and stupid. Either she didn’t care, or she pretended not to. Ashley didn’t push things. She was actually very sweet to me, and by the time Friday came, well I was on the verge of certifiable insanity.

    “Hey Spence,” Ashley greeted catching up with me as I walked to 2nd hour. I was dreading going to pre calc, but she just made me feel a whole lot better.

    “Hey Ash. What’s up?”

    “No much, I was just wondering,” she paused for a moment and chewed on her lower lip. Yeah, I even thought that was fucken adorable. “Tonight would you want to go out to one of Aiden’s friends house?” Fuck. “It’s just that I promised him I would go awhile ago,” she began apologizing.

    “It’s fine,” I stated cutting her off. Yeah, I’m fucken whipped. She’s so lucky I think she’s cute.

    “Is it alright if I still spend the night at your house?” Obviously. What was a going to say no? Obviously not.

    “Of course.”

    “Thanks Spence. I owe you.” Yeah you got me wrapped around your finger and you know it…

    By the time school had ended, I was sitting in Ashley’s room watching her go through outfits. It took all the will power I had not to stare when she changed. Ok, so I looked once and awhile. Her body was flawless, every curve falling into place on her frame of golden brown skin. Her hair flowing down her body, I felt like a very hormonal teenage boy.

    By the time we reached Aiden’s friends house, I thought my luck had run out. Well I guess for some odd reason, God was feeling very giving tonight. I sat down on the nearest chair, and Ashley immediately joined me, plopping down practically on top of me. Well, I had no objections.

    As soon as the movie started, it just became background noise to the sensation taking a hold of my body. Her hips pressed into my, her legs ran down my legs. I felt every shiver, every intake of breath, the rise and fall of her chest, every laugh. Who ever thought that simply sitting a chair with someone could make me this wet? My arm fell asleep under her, but I didn’t want to risk moving it. Hell I’ll cut it off if I have to. When I looked up at her, she just smiled giving me a look I’d die to see again. It literally felt like someone was pressing on my heart at the moment. It fluttered with every beat. Her smell was intoxicating as it filled my senses leaving me helpless. But around her I always was.

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