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    Changing For the Better – (Chapter: It's all Downhill From Here)

    God it felt like Tuesday was never going to end. Ever since yesterday Ashley’s been kind of avoiding me. Ok, so she’s been completely ignoring me. She wont even look in my direction. Attempting to catch her gaze, I stared at her the entire first hour. Either she was really in to whatever the hell the teacher was saying, or she made a deliberate point to not look my way. I knew she could feel me starring at her, because she’d shift uncomfortably sometimes, almost as if it was difficult to not look back. No matter how many times I begged her to look in my head, she never did.

    I’ve been waiting all day for lunch, for the chance to talk to her. The bell finally rang, thank god. School already feels like it takes an eternity, but waiting to talk to her makes it seem a million times longer. Add the Alyssa thought into that, and my God somebody shoot me!

    I walked down the hallway to lunch trying not to look like I was rushing to something. Well hopefully people knew I wasn’t rushing for the food. Rushing for the food would be like rushing for food poisoning. And I’m not that hungry anyways. Catching a flash of brunette, I sped up a little. It took me seconds to realize that the brunette wasn’t Ashley, but by the time I realized this it was already too late.

    “Well if it isn’t the freak,” Madison spat at me.

    “What do you want Madison,” is somebody really just sitting up there finding ways to torture me? Honestly what the fuck?

    “What’s the problem, get beat up lately?” she mocked. Unconsciously looking around, I noticed there were no teachers around.

    “Would you like to try it again?” I threatened feeling an automatic adrenaline rush. God this would feel good.

    “I don’t know Spency, last time you lost pretty miserably.”

    “Where’s your posse today?” I asked scanning the area. One vulnerable Madison, no teachers, no evil minions, one very happy Spencer. Oh yeah I already have a game plan for this one. Cracking my knuckles, I could feel her wince a little at the action.

    “Around,” she shifted uncomfortably. She needs to lie better. You know you suck at lying when I lie better than you.

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    1. I agree with Phoenix. The truth is going to come out about Spencer’s past sooner rather than later. I love Ash going after Spencer as well. I can’t wait to read what happens next. PMASAP.

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