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    Changing For the Better – (Chapter: Monday Morning Feels So Bad)

    It took moments for it to all settle in, but it did. Like a flood of memories, it all came back… It felt like there were a million needles in my brain, going down and piercing my heart. So much for out running my past. I could feel my thinking slowing down and it got harder to breathe. I couldn’t breakdown there. I fought back the pain, and tried to hide it from my voice. The last I need to do is ruin my chance at even having friends. “Um, hey I’m going to go.”

    “Spencer are you okay?” Kyla asked sounding worried. She stood up and took a step towards me, but physical contact at the moment scared me. I backed away a little avoiding all eye contact with her or Ashley.

    “Um I’m just going to go home,” I declared. “Thanks for taking me to the concert, but um I got to go.”

    “Spencer it’s two o’clock in the morning,” Ashley stated.

    “It‘s alright,” I responded.

    “Spence what’s wrong?” Ashley asked.

    “I feel kind of sick,” I lied.

    “Do you want some ibuprofen or something?” Ashley questioned trying to figure out why I was freaking out and trying to remedy the situation.

    “No, I just need to go home,” I answered now sweating. God, what the hell is going on? Why did I sing that song? I knew that song could break me down. I might as well be comatose. It’d be a hell of a lot easier. I can’t play this charade, and I can’t stand these constant web of lies.

    “Let me walk you home then,” Ashley offered.

    “Um okay,” I mumbled just needing to get out of this uncomfortable situation anyway possible, anyway possible. Ashley went to grab her shoes. I didn’t even bother to grab my bag. No one said anything. My thoughts were screaming so violently I thought for sure they were able to hear them. It was the most awkward silence in my entire life. I just zoned out and focused on my breathing. It was so dark outside I thought for a second maybe I was looking inside my heart. So many thoughts kept pounding into my skull, but I forced them down. This wasn’t the time to have another breakdown. Not here I pleaded with myself. The flashbacks penetrated the wall I built up so long ago to block them out. They came full force. I stuffed them down until I got to my house. The walk isn’t long but to me it seemed like the longest road I’ve ever treaded on. If the situation was different, I would want this walk to never end with Ashley by my side. But right now the situation wasn’t different. I didn’t want her to see this. I didn’t want her to have to see me. I didn’t look at Ashley when I got to my house. “I’m really sorry,” I said looking at my feet, looking at the sky, looking anywhere them.

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    1. That was intense! I lik how Spence is the badass that can play guitar, sing, and write song, its awesome. Madison soooo got her ass whooped, finally, and by Spencer, now that funny. Dang, Spence was beating th crap out of her. Madison better stay away from Spence from now on, or else, literally. Great Update!!!!PMN!!!!!!!!!

    2. that was funk awesome!!!iom happy spence kicked madison’s ass she deserved it..poor spence she really needs to deal w/ her problems and talk 2 some1…well talk to ashley…i hope she does soon..well gr8 update!!!PMS plz

    3. this story is wicked awesome. madison deserved to get the crap beat out of her. i wanna know more about spencer’s past though! loL! great job!! PMASAP!

    4. That was intense! I lik how Spence is the badass that can play guitar, sing, and write song, its awesome. Madison soooo got her ass whooped, finally, and by Spencer, now that funny. Dang, Spence was beating th crap out of her. Madison better stay away from Spence from now on, or else, literally. Great Update!!!!PMN!!!!!!!!!

    5. that was funk awesome!!!iom happy spence kicked madison’s ass she deserved it..poor spence she really needs to deal w/ her problems and talk 2 some1…well talk to ashley…i hope she does soon..well gr8 update!!!PMS plz

    6. this story is wicked awesome. madison deserved to get the crap beat out of her. i wanna know more about spencer’s past though! loL! great job!! PMASAP!

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