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    Changing For the Better – (Chapter: Old Habits Die Hard)

    A splitting headache would be an understatement. When I woke up I thought I had died. No, I thought I had died, come back to life, and died again. Looking around, the rotating of the room slowed down and I realized I was in the nurses room. It smelt of a sterile hospital filled with an uncomfortable sense. I never liked hospitals. There were people talking outside the doorway. Taking this opportunity, I crept off the bed and slowly crept backwards towards the other exit. Avoiding confrontation was my objective at the moment. It sucks to get yelled at. It sucks even more when your still not a hundred percent sure why you’re getting yelled at and you have a massive headache. When I reached a safe point of being undetected, I turned around and literally ran. I’ve had enough times in the principals office for one life time. I really don’t feel like repeating it here. With every step a little bit more came back as did the pounding in my head. I could feel the black eye and my hands were cut up from what I don’t even know. Sometimes when I lose it I don’t feel anything. At least I won. I guess all my fights from the past have come in handy after all.

    Second hour ended and I already came to the conclusion today was going to suck. Just when I thought it couldn‘t get any worse I ran into the queen bitch. “Get out of my way freak!” the stuck up teenager yelled pushing me to the side and into a row of lockers. This was not my day.

    “Why don’t you grow up and get a life Brittany,” I lashed at her.

    “Do you want to live to see tomorrow?” she asked. “If you do I suggest you get out of my face.”

    “Oh, I’m sure little miss pink is going slug me,” I replied.

    “I’ll do a lot more than that to you,” she informed me.

    “Sorry just cause I like girls doesn‘t mean I‘d touch you,” I responded. “I’m not a fan of STD’s. But I’m sure you have enough diseases for everybody being the school slut.” I turned around and started walking off. I guess she was serious because soon enough I obtained a cheap shot to the side of my face, sending me to the ground.

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