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    Changing For the Better – (Chapter: Party Time)

    I stirred to the light penetrating the room. I forgot to shut the shade last night. That’s wonderful Spencer. I pried my eyes open ready to jump out to shut the shade to see a figure standing in front of me. “Holy crap!” I exclaimed jumping, my heart quickening its pace. My aunt was standing there waiting for me to catch my breath.

    “I just got off the phone with your dad,” she stated. “He wants you to call him.”

    “Okay, um I thought you weren’t getting back till tomorrow, I replied rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

    “The flight got canceled due to the blizzard in New York,” my aunt replied. I slowly squeezed out from in between them and I followed my aunt up the stairs. She handed me the phone. I looked at it miserably before I dialed the number. It rang a few times before I heard someone pick up.

    “Hello,” said the person on the other end.

    “Hey dad,” I responded. I prepared myself to be lectured and chewed out. After fifteen minutes of being chewed out, and hearing about how I should have called him back a week ago when he first called me, the conversation was over. It was dead on arrival. I hung up the phone.

    “What did he say,” my aunt questioned before I could make my exit back upstairs.

    “He just called to make sure I haven’t been screwing up anymore than usual,” I replied angrily. I pushed open my bathroom, sat in the corner, and cried. My knees were drawn up to my chin, my head in my hands. Why does he do this to me? Can’t he just love me like he did before? Will he ever stop holding this over me? I sat there for fifteen minutes until I couldn’t cry anymore. I looked in the mirror to see if my eyes were red, but when I looked in the mirror, I had to stop. I was caught by my stare. I looked at the person starring back at me, and I didn’t know what was going on anymore. I stared them down, but they wouldn’t tell me anything; they wouldn’t give me any answers. “God Damnit,” I screamed. Frustrated I collapsed to my knees to find myself engulfed in another fit of sobs wracking throughout my entire body. I hated this. I hated this person. Why am I so weak? I pulled myself off the floor; because I knew, the consequences all to well of letting myself get the best of me. Quietly, I made my way back to my room and fell onto my bed. As soon as my eyelids closed, I was being taken over by sleep.

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    1. I love this story. I usually don’t review. It’s a shame that Kyla had to interrupt Spence/Ash’s moment, but maybe it wasn’t the right time for them yet. I still wonder about Spencer’s mysterious past. PMSASAP.

    2. Ky so ruined th moment, god Kyden always ruin Spashley moments. Spence’s past is so goin bite her in th ass and soon. Lovin th story, PMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. I love this story. I usually don’t review. It’s a shame that Kyla had to interrupt Spence/Ash’s moment, but maybe it wasn’t the right time for them yet. I still wonder about Spencer’s mysterious past. PMSASAP.

    4. Ky so ruined th moment, god Kyden always ruin Spashley moments. Spence’s past is so goin bite her in th ass and soon. Lovin th story, PMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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