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    Changing For the Better – (Chapter: Spencer goes home)

    I woke up Friday morning ecstatic. I didn’t even mind waking up early for school. The day went by in a flash, and soon the final bell rang. Ashley offered to drive me to the airport. Three hugs and a few hours later, I was in the Ohio airport parking lot look for my brother. Sure enough, a car pulled up five minutes later. As soon as Clay parked and got out of his car he locked me in a big hug.

    “I missed you,” he stated squeezing me harder.

    “I missed you too, but right now your cutting off my oxygen supply,” I choked out. He released me.

    “Sorry, I guess I got a little over excited,” he apologized. “So you ready to roll Spencer?”

    “Yeah, let’s roll,” I replied. I got into Clay’s car. It was the same car he had back in high school, and I could remember all the times I rode with him. When he first got his license he took me to dairy queen. On weekends we’d go to movies sometimes. Just sitting in the car made me feel safe.

    “So you ready for a fun filled weekend?” Clay asked enthusiastically.

    “Ready as I’ll ever be,” I said a little apprehensive. Clay must have sensed I was worried.

    “Hey, don’t worry about it Mandy,” she assured me. “Everything’s going to be fine, alright?”

    “Alright,” I responded feeling a little better.

    An hour later I found myself arriving in the small town. I looked around letting the memories soak in and stain my heart. The lawns reeked of fresh cut grass, someone was burning leaves, and I could see kids playing games outside of houses.

    We pulled up into our old driveway; I looked around realizing nothings changed. It all looked exactly like it did before I left. I don’t know when I got out of the car, but the next thing I knew I was standing at the front door slowly turning the knob. The door slowly drifted open and part of me cringed, subconsciously ready for the screaming and the blaming to start.

    “Hey were home,” Clay shouted informing everybody in the silent house.

    “Hey Clay, hey Spence,” Glen greeted us coming out of his room. He walked over to us and gave us each a hug. I could tell that just in the short period of time I’d been gone he’d grown. His maturity was showing on his features. He was finally growing into his height and starting to fill out. Skin and bone was being replaced with new found muscle. He’s only a year older than me. No matter what though, he’d still be Glen. Just behind Glen I could see a figure growing and appearing out from the doorframe.

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