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    Changing For the Better – (Chapter: Who Knew War Could Be So Seductive?)

    I found the weeks rolling by, as they turned into a month. November started to set in. Leaves changed colors and fell off the branches to settle onto the ground. Time was cleaning up the messes of the past slowly, but surely. But it still wasn’t like the falls we had back in Ohio. I hadn’t even thought of the whole Alyssa deal in quite awhile. It’s a possibility that she was just bluffing too. Really the only thought on my mind these days are of Ashley. I spend every possible waking moment with her, but it never gets old. Kyla sometimes even backs off and gives us space. Emphasis on the sometimes.

    “The longer it gets into the school year the closer it gets to basketball season,” Ashley stated. “And then we‘re going to have to hear about it for the next four months.”

    “Really?,” I asked. Basketball was not that popular back in Ohio. The only reason I heard about it all the time because Glen never shuts up.

    “Yep, be prepared to be bored to death by their lame stats.”

    “Why do they care so much,” Kyla asked. Yes, she’s still hanging out with us every second of every day. We make out in front of her all the time, but she just ignores it. I don’t get it. One of these days I’m going to see how far I can go with Ashley, until Kyla freaks out and leaves. Kyla is an awesome friend, but come on give me some alone time with my girlfriend, please. Hell, it’s like we have a permanent chaperone.

    “I hate high school,” Ashley sighed.

    “Only a year and a half left,” Kyla pointed out trying to lighten the situation, but it only seemed to have a negative impact on Ashley’s mood.

    “Stop talking,” Ashley commanded while taking this opportunity to grab my hand. She always does this when she’s in a stressful mood. She’ll grab my hand and unconsciously play with it.

    “I bet I know something that would make you feel better,” I stated seductively.

    “Yeah and what‘s that?” Ashley asked sounding interested. I knew she would.

    “Please stop,” Kyla grimaced. Wow, so she does have a limit. Ha, ha, ha, I’m getting graphic.

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