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    – (Chapter: 3)



    "Ms. Carlin I am Doctor Cole, how are you feeling?"  He is acting way to happy for me right now.

    "Why can’t I feel my legs, what’s wrong, what happened?"  I rush out wanting all the answers at once.

    "You don’t remember?"  He calmly replies.

    "Obviously, just tell me what is going on."  I almost shout.

    "Calm down Ms. Carlin.  Do you remember what happened after prom?"

    "No, not really, the last thing I remember is going to prom."  I was getting scared, he was avoiding my questions.  "Just please tell me what’s happening."

    "There was a drive by shooting at prom and you were hit three times.  Two were not that much trouble, but will be sore with some physical therapy you should be fine.  The third lodged near your spine and we were unable to remove it.  This is what is causing your paralysis.  We will wait till the swelling goes down to see if any feeling comes back and to see if we can remove the bullet."  He finishes and I just lay there shocked.

    "Do you have any questions?"  I shake my head no.  "Well, I will leave you to rest and will come check on you in the morning.  I just stare out the window speechless.  I keep thinking what if I never walk again, what is going to happen to me, and were is Ashley?



    When we arrived the next day the nurse told us that Spencer is awake and what happened during the night.  Paula was upset because she did not think they should have told Spencer what happened.  I was disappointed that Spencer was paralyzed, I knew that it was a possibility, I was just hoping that she would be fine.

    "Paula lets just go see Spencer, I am sure she will be happy to see us right now."  I start pushing Paula away from the nurse she was glaring at.  We all walk down the hall and enter Spencer’s room.  She looks better, but it could be that she is awake and there are less tubes and machines this time.

    "Spencer how are you feeling?"  I ask, maybe not the best question.

    "I don’t know."  She says, just staring out the window.  The doctor walked in and Paula goes off on him before he can even get a word out.

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