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    Chasing Cars

    I don’t quite know
    How to say
    How I feel

    Pounding on the door again, Ashley began to shift her feet. “Please, be here. Please.” she begged, her insides tying themselves into knots. Breathing was becoming a task for the young woman, and she was quickly feeling nauseated, yet the barrage of tears didn’t slow and she still stood there, waiting.

    Those three words
    Are said too much
    They’re not enough

    A noise to her right startled her, and she looked over to see the garage door opening. She stepped back and watched the old, green car back out of it’s home and onto the street. Ashley caught sight of long, blonde hair in the back of the car, and started towards the vehicle as the garage door began to close. “Spencer!” she yelled, trying to get the attention of the woman.

    If I lay here
    If I just lay here
    Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

    “Spencer!” She yelled again, louder this time. Her voice cracked. The car stopped and the blonde looked around, locking eyes with the brunette. Ashley ran towards the car, and knocked on the window. “Spencer, please, don’t.” She said, looking into the sapphire pools of her lover’s eyes. She could see the pain settled there and an intense pain stabbed at her heart. “Please.” She whispered, stood beside the car.

    Forget what we’re told
    Before we get too old
    Show me your garden that’s bursting into life

    “Ash.” Spencer mouthed before pressing her lips together hard and closing her eyes tightly, tears escaping from the corners. The car began to move and Ashley’s hands slipped from the window. “No.” She muttered, walking the same speed as the vehicle, her shoes trudging along in the slush-covered street.

    Let’s waste time
    Chasing cars
    Around our heads

    The car sped up again, Arthur slowly accelerating, but Ashley sped up too, banging hard on the blonde’s window. “Spencer, no!” She hollered, her throat raw from crying, “I love you, please don’t!”

    I need your grace
    To remind me
    To find my own

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    1. woo i loved that you will not belive this but i was in my car today and this song came on and i was thnking it would be a good songfic that and lips of a angel so meby you could do one for hat one i am no good at story telling or i would

    2. woo i loved that you will not belive this but i was in my car today and this song came on and i was thnking it would be a good songfic that and lips of a angel so meby you could do one for hat one i am no good at story telling or i would

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