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    Chasing Cars

    The blonde turned her head and looked away, her shoulders heaving with sobs. Ashley ran behind the car as it sped up, her legs moving with unknown speed as she followed the Cadillac down the suburban street, that car was taking away her heart and she couldn’t just let it go.

    If I lay here
    If I just lay here
    Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

    “Stop the car!” She shouted, “Stop, please!” Her voice was heard by the occupants, but the car didn’t slow. She kept chasing it, her chest constricting and her legs aching, until it turned a corner and disappeared out of sight. She dropped to her knees in the snowy street and fell forwards onto her hands, her own shoulders heaving with thick, pain filled sobs as her heart broke into a thousand pieces.

    Forget what we’re told
    Before we get too old
    Show me your garden that’s bursting into life

    The reserves of strength that had been so plentiful before, were now completely depleted, and the broken girl fell heavily into the snow, warm tears running from her face and melting the icy surroundings of her cheeks. She heard nothing, and felt nothing as her body slowly became as numb as her heart.

    All that I am
    All that I ever was
    It’s here in your perfect eyes
    They’re all I can see

    A pair of strong arms heaved her silent form from the snowy street and carried her to the sidewalk, setting her down out of harm’s way. She opened her eyes with great difficulty as it felt like they were filled with sand and grit, and looked up at watery blue eyes, eyes that she knew so well.

    I don’t know where
    Confused about how as well
    Just know that these things
    Will never change for us at all

    “Spence,” was all she could manage to push past her lips, her throat raw and dry. The blonde shushed her, pressing her finger to the brunette’s lips and hugging her tightly.

    “I love you, Ashley, and I am so sorry.” Ashley clung tightly to the blonde, and pulled her down to the sidewalk where she contentedly lay.

    “It’s going to be fine, baby.” Ashley whispered before kissing the blonde gently on the cheek and stroking long, golden locks away from her face with a cold, red hand as Spencer cried into her shoulder.

    If I lay here
    If I just lay here
    Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

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    1. woo i loved that you will not belive this but i was in my car today and this song came on and i was thnking it would be a good songfic that and lips of a angel so meby you could do one for hat one i am no good at story telling or i would

    2. woo i loved that you will not belive this but i was in my car today and this song came on and i was thnking it would be a good songfic that and lips of a angel so meby you could do one for hat one i am no good at story telling or i would

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