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    College Gals – (Chapter: 4)



    Why can’t I stop staring?! Watching her sleep…she looks so peaceful… this is her way out of her chaotic life. At least Amanda decided to sleep over her friend’s house so we had the dorm to ourselves. Those brown eyes… I wish, I wish they had eyes only for me. What she said last night it gave me hope…She wan’ts a girl like me she should have me…Wait I’m starting to confuse myself…I’m not gay…right? Spencer was jerked out of her thoughts when the brunette’s eyes fluttered open. She immediately looked back at her computer screen trying to hide the fact that she had been staring. Ashley noticed however and was immediately confused.

    Where the hell am I? Spencer’s dorm…Oh fuck! What did I do last night?! Holy shit I hope what I think happened didn’t happen.


    "Yeah Ash, bout time you woke up! It’s already 10:30!" I think I’ll have a little fun with this bronze beauty. "But I mean with all that happened last night I wouldn’t blame you for being exhausted, "Spencer flirted with a sly wink. Ashley’s mind immediately went into complete turmoil.

    "Spencer…whateve we did last night…"

    "Oh, it wasn’t what I did it was what you did!" This was the partial truth. Spencer hadn’t gotten drunk out of her mind Ashley had.

    God damn…

    "Look Spence…I’ve had my eye on you for awhile but…"

    "Wait…what?" Spencer interrupted the brunette, "What are you talking about?" Spencer’s heart began to quicken. This was not what she had expected at all.

    "You know last night…"

    "Yeah," Spencer said slowly, "You were pretty drunk. I brought you home and then you passed out…What were you talking about?"

    "Nevermind… forget it."

    "Okay…so you hungry?" the room had gotten way to hot for Spencer’s taste. Even though she realized that anywhere she went with Ashley it would be high in temperature but she had to at least try to cool down.

    "Yeah okay…"

    A few minutes later and Ashley and Spencer found themselves in a diner off of the highway named ‘Mac’s Diner.’ In the uncomfortable booths the two girls were looking at anuthing but each other. After staring at a neon Coca-Cola sign for three minutes Spencer’s eyes began to hurt so she turned and her eye’s met with large brown orbs. They both blushed. Fuck Ashley! Why are you so flustered aroung this girl? She’s just another girl… another one of my toys…isn’t she? Oh shit better say something!

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    1. DUDE! Nice, slap to the face. Bitch slapping is what that carrie girl deserves. :] YAY! That’s the best. It makes me feel somewhat satisfied. Kool. Update soon, even though you kinda just did. I like this FanFic. Get on it buster, start cranking out FanFic like no one has ever Cranked out FanFic Before!!!!! Woot woot.

    2. DUDE! Nice, slap to the face. Bitch slapping is what that carrie girl deserves. :] YAY! That’s the best. It makes me feel somewhat satisfied. Kool. Update soon, even though you kinda just did. I like this FanFic. Get on it buster, start cranking out FanFic like no one has ever Cranked out FanFic Before!!!!! Woot woot.

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