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    College Gals – (Chapter: 4)

    "It’s hot in here huh?" the brunette remarked cutting through the silence.

    "Yeah exactly what I was afraid of…" Spencer muttered to herself as she crossed her arms and leaned back into the booth.

    "Spence? Did you say something?"

    "Yea, I said I agree it is really hot in here…"

    "So do you wanna leave?"

    "Yeah…that’s probably the best idea," the pair left the diner before ever ordering.

    Spencer drove for awhile not really knowing where she was headed. It had been about a half-an-hour of silence. Not uncomfortable awkward silence, but silence none the less before Ashley spoke again.

    "Spence…can you… can you do me a favor?"

    "Umm…sure… of course Ash what is it?"

    "Could you drive me back to my dorm… I need to pick up my stuff… you know because…"

    Spencer stopped the rambling brunette, "I understand. That is not a problem at all…do you…do you want me to go in with you?"

    "That’d be…" Ashley took a deep breath, "That’d be great Spence…I don’t think I could do it alone."

    "Of course," Spencer smiled reassuringly toward Ashley and not being able to help it Ashley was infected and she smiled back. When they pulled up to Ashley’s building Spencer saw that Ashley was shaking and grabbed the older girl’s hand. Ashley looked up surprised and was soon locked in Spencer’s gaze. They just stared into each other’s eyes until Ashley stopped shaking; then together, hand in hand, they entered the building.

    "Ashley baby! I was afraid…" the redhead began to make excuses as soon as the pair walked into the room.

    "Shut up Carrie! I’m just here to pick up my stuff then I’m moving into a different dorm. I don’t know where but… I don’t want to deal with you okay? Were over!" Carrie’s face looked so hurt that Ashley thought she might just forgive her. Then a hand slipped into hers. She looked up and saw Spencer next to her giving her a caring look. Courage flooded through Ashley and she turned to face Carrie again, "There’s nothing you can do or say ok? You fucked up big time and now…well now it’s over…" when Carrie finally realized that Ashley wasn’t going to forgive her, her pout turned into a sneer as she looked at Spencer.

    "Wow you’re such a whore Ashley, already got a new play thing huh?" she looked Spencer up and down, "wonder how long you’re going to last."

    Ashley moved in close and before Spencer could stop her she had slapped Carrie hard across the face, "Shut up you bitch! You have no fucking right to talk to her! She’s a better person than you’ll ever be! Come one Spence I don’t need my stuff. It’s been tainted by her anyway…" The pair walked through the archway and back into the hall Carrie screaming at them from behind.

    "You’ll be crawling back to me in no time Davi…" the rest of her sentence was cut off as Spencer slammed the door in the redhead’s face.

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    1. DUDE! Nice, slap to the face. Bitch slapping is what that carrie girl deserves. :] YAY! That’s the best. It makes me feel somewhat satisfied. Kool. Update soon, even though you kinda just did. I like this FanFic. Get on it buster, start cranking out FanFic like no one has ever Cranked out FanFic Before!!!!! Woot woot.

    2. DUDE! Nice, slap to the face. Bitch slapping is what that carrie girl deserves. :] YAY! That’s the best. It makes me feel somewhat satisfied. Kool. Update soon, even though you kinda just did. I like this FanFic. Get on it buster, start cranking out FanFic like no one has ever Cranked out FanFic Before!!!!! Woot woot.

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