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    College Gals – (Chapter: 7)

    Angelic… Ashley had been thinking about it for awhile as she watched Ashley sleep. That’s the word… angelic…last night was amazing… I hope it was okay for her…I’m pretty sure that I was her first with a girl. I hope I made it special for her… I hope she dosen’t regret it…I hope that now we can finally be together. A smile spread across Ashley’s face and she removed a strand of hair from the younger firl’s face. Spencer’s eyes slowly opened and upon seeing Ashley she smiled and reached up to gently caress the brunette’s soft hand.

    "Wow a smile! I haven’t seen one of those on you for ages!" Ashley joked.

    "Ashley shut up," Spencer scolded her playfully, "you’re so ruining it," Spencer leaned in and silenced Ashley with a tender kiss. Ashley was speechless. All of her hopes were fufilled. Finally, Spencer Carlin would be all hers! Ashley didn’t know how long they laid there just staring into each other’s eyes but she silently asked God to let her wake up like this every morning.

    "What are you thinking about, Ash?" the blonde asked curiously as she brushed a loose hair away from Ashley’s gorgeous auburn eyes,

    "You…are we…you know are we…"


    "Yeah together…"

    "Ashley I wouldn’t have it any other way…" once again their lips met this time in a more heated way. Ashley slipped her tongue into Spencer’s warm and inviting mouth. Ashley cupped one of Spencer’s breasts causing the younger girl to moan. Spencer sat up and was now straddling Ashley kissing her passionately and grinding into Ashley slightly when…

    "Woah! Girls, girls! You read my diary!" Aiden stated as he walked in on the girl in the compromisng positon, taking a little to much time in covering his eyes. Spencer jumped up off of Ashley and buried herself under the covers while Ashley just laid there looking both dissapointed and annoyed. She was sure she was about to get some.

    "Aiden! Learn to knock why dontcha!!" Ashley scolded the raven haired boy, who looked more than just a little happy. The brunette heard a sound come from underneath the mountain of covers.

    "Ashley, he’s standing there and you are completely naked," Spencer said muffled under the covers.

    "Oh Spence, it’s nothing he hasn’t seen before," Ashley crawled off of the bed grumpily and headed towards her closet, "So Aiden you better have a fucking good excuse for interrupting us…"

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