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    Come Down To Me – (Chapter: Postponed Date)

    I just stepped off the plane from a long and very delayed flight back to New York after being gone for three months. Not to mention right before that only being home for a week from coming off another assignment. I don’t know why I don’t just keep my things in storage and just stay in a hotel when I make it back to the city. Let’s face it, I am just as busy when I return with all the editing and final cuts, I can’t even keep a house plant alive. I am glad I am high in demand but I really want a break. Last time I had a meeting with my boss, she informed me I could take a month off. Seeing as I haven’t had time off in at least five years with filming and editing, let’s just say that sounds heavenly.

    As I wait to get my bag from baggage claim I decide to turn my phone on. Right after powering up I see I have five missed calls and just as many messages, all from the office. Suddenly I feel a migraine coming on as I listen to the first message.

    “Ms. Carlin, Ms. Woods would like you to return to the office as soon as your plane touches down……” Shit, all I want to do is return home, take a nice hot bath and go to bed.

    The other messages pretty much follow the same line and my date with my bed is going to have to wait. I don’t even have time to drop off my bag, for I have a meeting with the boss ASAP. I am glad I only have my carry on with laptop and my small bag. What can I say, years of traveling I’ve learn I don’t need to take a lot with me, I can just make do. Besides, being behind the camera, who am I trying to impress? The audience certainly won’t see me.

    As I hail a cab and am on my way the tiredness starts to come down on me and my mind begins to wonder. What could Kyla possible want now? My last documentary was on the legendary aging rock group Light Side Of Dark, making their way back into music after splitting up for ten years with a come back tour and new cd release. In my eyes it went well and I am really glad to be getting off that bus full of guys. They were great and a lot of fun but having only one bathroom and a cramped space to call my own, only brought back memories of sharing a house hold with two older brothers. What could it be? Last time I checked in with the office they informed me they received the last dailies and the over all film was amazing if not my best yet. I called yesterday and they said the editing was coming along and wouldn’t be too long before it would be aired. Maybe she just wants to check base with me and send me on my way.

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