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    Come Down To Me – (Chapter: Sign or Not Sign)

    “Ugh. Really? Really? Who would be dumb enough to knock on my door at” squinting at the alarm clock,” fucking seven in the morning! Sleep just came an hour ago!” Rolling over and feeling for the terry cloth robe, quickly slipping it on and proceeding to get to my feet. With the black velvet curtains closed the only light illuminating was from the television I must of left on, making it hard to navigate to the pounding at the door. Midway to the door I decided to stub my toe, “Damn, how did my shoe wind up in the hallway? Where is the other one?” Finally making it to the door, rubbing the throbbing toe “You can pound all you want, who the fuck is this?” Peering through the peep hole, I see a very eager Aiden in what he calls his “power suit” waiting in the hall. He is so going to die! Slowly I open the door part way with a glare.

    “Have I told you lately how beautiful you look in the morning, Ash?” he says all while having a sly smile. He has one arm behind his back and is looking to enter.

    Having only a hour of sleep causing her patience is at nonexistent, not that I really have much to begin with. “Cut the bull shit Aiden. That better be a tall latte behind your back if you’re expecting to even have a conversation with me at this hour.” Did I not get the memo about an early morning get together. We are going to see each other this afternoon for a band pre- party before the big release bash. I just saw him last night , he can’t miss me that much already. He needs a life.

    Handing over the tall latte with a angelic smile, “Here is your tall late with extra shot of espresso and a dash of whip cream, now may I please come in?” I notice he is trying to glimpse behind me into my condo. Why did I ever give him a key to the outside door? “That is if you don’t have company, maybe that blonde who was all over you last night, the one I introduced you to?” winking at me with a shit eating grin.

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    1. well looks like ash really will have to clean her act up then huh? can’t wait to see how the interaction between spence and ash plays out. great update, pms!

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