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    Coming Undone – (Chapter: Spencer)


                Spencer was also willing to admit that she had been close to joining Ashley’s addiction. After the accident, she had wanted nothing more than to perish into nothingness. She wanted to lose herself to drugs, alcohol, and wanted to be able to drift away from reality. But her family hadn’t allowed her to. That was the only difference between Ashley and Spencer. They’d had each other, but once they were torn apart, Spencer had her family, and Ashley was left with nothing, no one. Her parents and her brothers were quick to surround her with support. They let her cry, let her grieve, and then helped her to continue living life. Unfortunately, it wasn’t as most people thought. Most people said that she’d never forget, but that the days would become easier to get through. But each day seemed just as difficult as the last. And each day she missed Tate and Ashley more and more, and worried about her wife’s health and her safety. But she didn’t know what to do, and she didn’t know how to find the brunette. She just hoped that against all odds, she’d run into her again, and she could finally bring herself to talk to her wife.


                The blonde looked around her living room at the various photographs that were seemingly everywhere. She hadn’t been able to bring herself to remove them. Actually, everything in the house was still as it had been two years ago, right down to Tate’s room. She walked up to the mantel of the fireplace and picked up their last Christmas picture together. They were all dressed in red shirts, smiles wide, and eyes filled with warmth and happiness. She missed her family. Her little boy, her wife, and she hated that she was alone. She was grateful for the support of her family, but they could never fill the void that she felt in her heart. She knew that she would never get over the loss of Tate, but she also knew that if she had Ashley back in her life, she could at least begin to heal, and begin to live her life again. She hated that she was reduced to sitting around her house most of the time. In all honesty, if she didn’t have Ashley’s money, she’d be homeless.

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