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    Coming Undone – (Chapter: Spencer)


                After Tate’s death, she couldn’t bring herself to go back to work, but that had been expected. Her boss let her take time off, but when the grieving period was long over, she found herself still lounging around the house, and she couldn’t stand it. She couldn’t stand the fact that she had now become dependent on Ashley’s inheritance money, and didn’t even have the brunette around to share it with. Everything she had become in the past two years, she hated, and she wished she could be one of the “strong people” one of the people who could rise above a tragedy and continue to strive in their life. But it all seemed pointless without Ashley.


                Spencer looked back down at the photo and remembered with fondness the day it was taken.



                “C’mon Tate! Please put on the red shirt!” Ashley begged her son, but he shook his head. “Please?” she tried again.


                “NO! I don’t wanna wear red!” he replied quite stubbornly for a three year old.


                “Why not?” Spencer asked, hoping to find the reason behind her son’s loathing for the color. “Just last week it was your favorite color,” she pointed out remembering how the little boy had wanted to paint his room red.


                “Cause…cause Jacob said that only girly boys like the color red, and that boys only like the colors blue, black, and green,” he justified. The two women exchanged smiles. Boys could be fickle.


                “Honey, don’t worry about what Jacob says. He just doesn’t know how great the color red is,” Ashley informed her son. “Remember the red power ranger?” her son nodded his head. “Well, he’s a boy who helps people, and he wears red.” It appeared as though they were starting to get through to their son.


                “And,” Spencer started to say, “Spiderman…his colors are most definitely blue and red,” she added in. Her wife stared at her and tried to hold in her laugh. Spencer shot her a look, and the brunette quickly agreed. They could see their son start to slowly nod his head as the evidence showed that the color red really was a boy color. He quickly changed into his shirt, and continued to get ready, but squirmed when it came time to brush his hair back. Then, the three of them got into Ashley’s car, and headed to a professional photographer to take their pictures taken. They were surrounded by three other families when they arrived, all whom were desperately trying to keep their children together and fix outfits which had started to come off. The two women smiled as their son sat calmly in his chair and talked to his mommies. What took other families an hour of taking pictures, Ashley, Spencer, and Tate had only taken up only 20 minutes of the photographer’s time. He claimed that they were so easy to photograph because not only were they all good looking, and he didn’t have to search for a good angle, but that their chemistry was genuine and their love was omnipotent. The two women simply thanked him for his kind words, and were dragged out by their now energetic son. He truly did share both of his mothers’ personalities.

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